Message from @Rebel_Angel

Discord ID: 460165820778283020

2018-06-23 19:28:50 UTC  

When police were questioning her, police told her that she was going to be charged with murder for the death of a 51-year-old Forrest Timothy Hayes. He was a married father of five at the time he was found dead from a heroin overdose on his yacht on Nov. 23, 2013.

His obituary vaguely stated that he "passed away unexpectedly." Police said Hayes was dying when Tichelman calmly sipped wine, gathered her purse, and left the yacht. A coroner determined that he died almost instantly, Tichelman said.

Tichelman had only met Hayes once before, when he paid her more than $3,000 to go to lunch. He told her his name was "Tim." For their second meeting, Tichelman said Hayes asked her to bring heroin so they could "party" on his boat, named the "Escape."

2018-06-23 19:29:35 UTC

2018-06-23 19:29:37 UTC  

His obituary vaguely stated that he "passed away unexpectedly." Police said Hayes was dying when Tichelman calmly sipped wine, gathered her purse, and left the yacht. A coroner determined that he died almost instantly, Tichelman said.

Tichelman had only met Hayes once before, when he paid her more than $3,000 to go to lunch. He told her his name was "Tim." For their second meeting, Tichelman said Hayes asked her to bring heroin so they could "party" on his boat, named the "Escape."

2018-06-23 19:30:01 UTC  

This was consensual. He hired me to be there. I was supposed to be there to do what he wanted me to do," Tichelman said.

Tichelman said she didn't know Hayes had taken Valium and drank alcohol earlier that day.

"He seemed perfectly sober to me. If I had known both of those pieces of information, I would have never let him take the drugs," she told KSBW.

2018-06-23 19:30:21 UTC  

He was very adamant about doing the drugs. Despite what police say, we never had sex. He was more interested in partying," she said.

Hayes lost consciousness moments after she injected him with heroin.

Santa Cruz's then-deputy police chief told the media that the escort coldly sipped a glass of wine as she left without calling 911.

“I tried to revive him. I was very upset and crying trying to wake him up. The police said I was ‘calmly and coldly’ walking around the boat, packed up my stuff, and left. I was in a complete panic. I knew he was a married man. I had injected myself first, I was not thinking correctly. I didn't know he was in immediate distress, it looked like he was still breathing and had just passed out," Tichelman said.

2018-06-23 19:30:30 UTC  

He literally thought the gay cake was the same situation. I explained political views arent covered under the 1st amendment and he moved to saying that the constitution needs changed...omfg. these people are our gov'ts enemy...

2018-06-23 19:30:34 UTC  

She said he didn't want Hayes to get in trouble with his wife, the police, or his workplace.

While she was driving home to Northern California, she stopped multiple times, "agonizing over calling 911," Tichelman said. "Ultimately I didn't, and that's something I regret every single day, that I didn't call for help."

The district attorney's office later agreed with Tichelman's account about what happened on the boat after Hayes overdosed, and disagreed with the police department's story.

2018-06-23 19:30:56 UTC  

Another unusual part of the investigation was when the boat captain found Hayes' body. He quickly cleaned up the crime scene and took away the boat's surveillance video, according to police. Police had to issue a subpoena to get the video back.

Eight months later, an undercover Santa Cruz police officer convinced Tichelman to drive from her home near Sacramento and meet him at the Seascape Beach Resort in Aptos by posing as an interested client on the sugar daddy website she used, Seeking Arrangement.

"I had a bad feeling when I was driving. The officer was not acting like a normal person. He was checking in with me every hour. When I walked in, he was better looking than I thought he would be. I hugged him, and he didn't hug me back. When I felt his bullet proof vest, I knew I was going to jail," Tichelman said.

Tichelman said she was shocked when officers swarmed her. She wondered, why would so many officers be here to arrest a prostitute?

"I had drugs in my purse. I thought, 'OK I can deal with this. I will post bail," she said.

2018-06-23 19:31:13 UTC  

During initial questioning, Tichelman said police didn't tell her Hayes was dead.

"I didn't think he had passed away. But in the interrogation room, I realized there was something weird going on," Tichelman said.

Finally, police showed her the boat's surveillance video and told her Hayes had died.

"I will never forget that moment. One of the most worst moments of my life," she said. "They were playing some sick messed-up game. Police had this hatred and anger toward me, though I'm not really to sure why."

The district attorney's office concluded that the case was not a homicide, and Tichelman pleaded guilty to far lesser charges: prostitution, possessing drugs, and destroying evidence.

2018-06-23 19:31:19 UTC

2018-06-23 19:31:26 UTC  

She served three years in the Santa Cruz County Jail, where she finally became drug-free during her last few months as an inmate. Tichelman said drugs were flowing through the jail, but she finally found the will to stop using drugs.

Her family's emotional support helped her survive her time in jail.

"I was prepared to go to prison for 15 years. I have the ability to see the light at the end of the tunnel, that comes from my family," Tichelman said. "I had a feeling, that as long as I did the right thing and held on, that things would turn out OK."

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents deported Tichelman as soon as she was released from jail. But she said she feels safer there.

"I'm glad I got deported," she said. "Santa Cruz police hated me so much."

Tichelman describes her life today as a "complete 180."

2018-06-23 19:31:40 UTC  

She said she's living clean and sober in Canada, and thinks about Hayes every day.

"I am working in the hospitality industry. I'm so happy (that) I found a workplace where I feel accepted, knowing that I can be a normal taxpaying citizen, and get up and go to work. That feels good," Tichelman said.

She also volunteers for a nonprofit that helps homeless and incarcerated women reintegrate back into society. Tichelman is studying to become a social worker specializing in helping people who are struggling with homelessness, mental health, drug addictions, and transitioning from prison back to society.

2018-06-23 19:31:55 UTC  

This is my rig! Take a close look!!

2018-06-23 19:32:21 UTC

2018-06-23 19:32:59 UTC  

thats my dream@Kilo lol sweeeeeeeet

2018-06-23 19:34:01 UTC  

@Kilo Kilo♿ I like ur rig 😊

2018-06-23 19:34:41 UTC  

and i'd say thats a RIG aight! @Kilo Kilo♿

2018-06-23 19:34:50 UTC  

I’ve deployed with a MEU also.

2018-06-23 19:34:51 UTC

2018-06-23 19:34:52 UTC  

My rig was puller from a Military scrap yard, I grabbed it because it belonged to Seal Team 6 for 5 years and they are all dead so I brought her back to life!!

2018-06-23 19:35:05 UTC  

@Kilo Kilo♿ nice 👍

2018-06-23 19:35:46 UTC  

Awesome 2K

2018-06-23 19:36:02 UTC  

You will see me driving around the Country speaking to Police all over the place!

2018-06-23 19:36:19 UTC  

@Kilo Kilo♿ that's awesome

2018-06-23 19:36:22 UTC  

watch trump above

2018-06-23 19:36:25 UTC  

@Kilo Kilo♿ I like it. a lot. support the Blue 😊

2018-06-23 19:36:28 UTC  

Red Pilling Police in every City across the Nation.

2018-06-23 19:36:47 UTC

2018-06-23 19:36:47 UTC  

@Kilo Kilo♿ impressive it just takes 1

2018-06-23 19:37:07 UTC  

I pledged everything for this cause

2018-06-23 19:37:16 UTC  


2018-06-23 19:37:16 UTC  

You have gained a rank @Super Elite Sawyer, you just advanced to 4 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!

2018-06-23 19:37:26 UTC  


2018-06-23 19:37:29 UTC  

Trump has taken the stage

2018-06-23 19:37:30 UTC  

@Kilo Kilo♿ that’s why I got involved. If I could just red pill 1 person. 😊