Message from @**Åli̊čeȰn✨Q̣̇✨**

Discord ID: 460870936045027328

2018-06-25 18:12:24 UTC  

We are waking up. 😃

2018-06-25 18:12:27 UTC  


2018-06-25 18:12:33 UTC  
2018-06-25 18:12:34 UTC  

@American Patriot 1776 I really hate spitting. People are freaking goofy.

2018-06-25 18:12:44 UTC  

IMA sheepdog....woof!

2018-06-25 18:12:51 UTC  

I guess that makes us black sheep!

2018-06-25 18:12:51 UTC  

You have gained a rank @Kilo Kilo♿, you just advanced to 14 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!

2018-06-25 18:12:56 UTC  

@everyone To All (sending to some mods to pass around):

Gave it a good thought before posting, wasn't sure how it will be received, but here we go:

Was listening to Yoda and Indy around 13h00 06/25
Regarding Invasion by mexico (Sundance @ conservative Treehouse). Had an idea, how about we all start printing
simplified/resumed excerpts of articles
like that one, with an added link to the Soapbox and the original article source, print+photocopy by the tens
or hundreds (even in colored paper) and start hiding them as little red pill grenades in newspapers magazines
etc that will end up being bought by "non red pilled normies" and even people still on the demoncrats message side,
get cleaver with where you leave them, books in library probably a BAD idea, local doctors office magazine GOOD.
We need eyeballs, We have to reach them, travel around with a couple every day to drop as opportunity presents.
Go to a news stands or in line at the checkout or wherever you find them and drop an article prepared as discussed here,
Without being seen preferably, just pretend you are checking it out and drop a folded sheet in there.
Do you work in a magazine stand, drop a few here and there, mix it up, different publications, do you work in
some place you can drop a piece of paper discretly to "your clients" without being traced back (maybe a
restaurant menu at the Red HEN or a package), do you fix cars, can you "forget" an article in the back seat.
Do you ride the bus? You get the idea. (PART1)

2018-06-25 18:13:05 UTC  

People outside need to, and have to know, they have to be reached, this is not about Q and all that comes with it, its about all of it and has to stop or the USA and Europe will fall if this crap is left to go on even a single day more.
I say NO MORE, no more harassing people at dinner and at home (since the motive is political its called...Terrorism, they are calling for people to do terrorism for them - not counting the payed goons they hire), no more public threats against children, NO MORE showing up at peoples houses in the night - No rest no sleep crap. We can't
go into revenge mode and start attacking them back with the same tricks, or boycotts (I've already heard about people that want to go serenade MAD MAX in the middle of the night), thats the game they play, not us. We fight in a different way, we fight for the future, we need numbers, Hearts & Souls here. Can you tell the events of the past weekend really p!xx&d me the H*LL off.(PART2)

2018-06-25 18:13:20 UTC  

Other things that can be done:
is leaving articles in shops 4 or 5 at a time (Pamplet(s) much!).
Stick them in bus stations with little cutaway squares like for job seekers but instead of a interview contact put the soapbox info if they want to know more.
Choose articles that are more facts and to the core of the problems and less polical party centric.
Its time to get the sleepers to WAKE the heck UP!

Would be good if we had an ops channel area to coordenate the message maybe the mods can help, maybe have the ones to stick on bus stop/street lamp made as template available on the forum or something. Needs to be a concerted effort by ALL, each every single one of the Soapbox Patriots, I'm calling for OPERATION WAKE UP ALREADY.
You get the idea, let others know about this idea and any others ideas you may have on how to spread the word, WE are ALL under attack. Twitter and internet based is not enough, we need to fight for every single sleeper patriot out there, it truly is a matter of WWG1WGA - WE are the Shield, might as well start acting like it _O7. (PT3 Final)

2018-06-25 18:13:46 UTC

2018-06-25 18:13:47 UTC  

@Kathryn44 I agree. Idiots.

2018-06-25 18:14:01 UTC  


2018-06-25 18:14:33 UTC  

@Kiwi61Karma stealing. 🐸

2018-06-25 18:15:18 UTC

2018-06-25 18:15:31 UTC  

What’s up with Harley Davidson leaving the country b/c of tariffs?????

2018-06-25 18:15:37 UTC  

Good they can go to gitmo together

2018-06-25 18:15:50 UTC

2018-06-25 18:16:03 UTC  


2018-06-25 18:16:35 UTC  

Who is behind Wikileaks these days????

2018-06-25 18:16:56 UTC  

@**Åli̊čeȰn✨Q̣̇✨** No. POTUS is questioning Maxine’s intelligence. He has done so before.

2018-06-25 18:17:03 UTC

2018-06-25 18:17:06 UTC  

WikiLeaks is compt. Has been for a long while now.

2018-06-25 18:17:08 UTC  

@patriotkeri Read the CIA who knows.

2018-06-25 18:17:27 UTC  

Get up every day and put on God's Armor and get used to it. This should be a daily routine for all of us patriots. Get on your knees and pray. Through prayer WE can make it through all of this stressful news and prevail!

2018-06-25 18:18:11 UTC  

As long a no central Rothschild bank in Iran

2018-06-25 18:18:17 UTC  

@Kathryn44 Domestic abuse is very prevalent in the gay community.

2018-06-25 18:18:26 UTC  

@Lopeover Lopeover Sure !

2018-06-25 18:18:35 UTC

2018-06-25 18:18:46 UTC

2018-06-25 18:18:56 UTC  

@Lopeover It is indeed....but also noted the Left black eye

2018-06-25 18:19:14 UTC  

@Kiwi61Karma THAT is one of my favorite memes!! I have another one but i am not sure if swearing on here is frowned upon??

2018-06-25 18:19:22 UTC  

Did he really say that?

2018-06-25 18:19:25 UTC  

back with a curried chicken salad sandwich with red grapes and pecans--easily one of my favorite things on the planet

2018-06-25 18:20:05 UTC  

@Kathryn44 Hmmm? Solstice activity?

2018-06-25 18:20:06 UTC  

@SighOperator Ok now I am really hungry 😛

2018-06-25 18:20:21 UTC  

Who knows for sure