Message from @maico
Discord ID: 461647116172001290
@Kilo Kilo♿ - prayers and hope
There funds will run dry in just transportation
@Kilo Kilo♿ 💯👀
POTUS is working right now to strangle the funds
What about Donoghue? Where's he running? NY right ? Or is he going after the AG for NY? I forget lol
@B єℓℓα verità What's the latest sauce on Mitt Romney, is he still anti trump or has he seen the light?
You have gained a rank @maico, you just advanced to 4 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!
Several different writing styles for q
Ya I thought so
What's his problem,
11/11/18 is really 11/11/11 symbolicly because 2+0+1+8= 11. Huge occult meaning and we are using that to our advantage.
The girl that crushed Crowley the voter fraud being fixed will shift everything lol IMO
Elite out of touch syndrome or TDS
@maico idk. I think a formality still digging
Yes... you can almost hear the different Q voices today... one in the middle east monitoring group... one close to POTUS... one who like the double entendre and pop culture references... 😃
@maico Mitt Romney is basically a formality away from becoming Sen. Romney
Yes agree
@Deleted User definitely its pretty wild
Romney - the new McStain
Trump calls for live, televised hearing of Strzok, 'other hating frauds' at FBI, DOJ | Fox News
Strzok is an idiot.
.....has this been a email address that Q uses at times to end a post...?
And hes either arrogant or scared
Tariffs ☝️☝️☝️
I still get this sneaking ugly feeling that bio weapons and Trac tech is going show up
Antifa is plotting and planning on kicking off a Civil War, the first wave will be low level, the second level will be trained Para Military groups. WE at Oathkeepers are calling for all able bodied Veterans to answer the call in there areas to protect the Sovereign peoples of you communities in case of Civil Unrest. Please remain calm and stay professional, WE are trained for this and stand to protect life and property WWG1WGA