Message from @Dina

Discord ID: 461758542437941248

2018-06-28 05:01:07 UTC  

TUBALL CAIN is Occult for 007

2018-06-28 05:01:22 UTC  

Whats your point Ben?, he serves his master

2018-06-28 05:01:24 UTC  

two balls and a cane

2018-06-28 05:01:26 UTC  


2018-06-28 05:01:46 UTC  

you spelled that right

2018-06-28 05:02:02 UTC

2018-06-28 05:02:34 UTC

2018-06-28 05:02:49 UTC  

Night all

2018-06-28 05:02:53 UTC  

Since the beginning formations of the Brotherhood of the Order of the Quest, the end goal for all who joined was to have peace, unity, wisdom and love on earth. A simple goal to help place an end to the endless wars and human misery that have plagued our planet for thousands of years via a coordinated effort of like minded brothers, where the purpose of our Great Work was to help create a world that was unified under this common banner of peace, love, unity and justice for all. What some may call , "heaven on earth" or even a "Solomon's Temple" that covers the globe.

In order to accomplish this monumental task, Tubal Cain and his descendants were instructed by God in Matthew 10:34 where it is said, "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword." Tubal Cain is the widow's son who originally was "a sharpener"—one who whets or sharpens instruments.

In more modern times such as in the most recent translations of the bible we find that he morphs from being one who sharpens instruments for example; a sword, to becoming the "forger of all instruments of bronze and iron" (ESV), or an "instructor of every artificer in brass and iron" (KJV). Hence, he is the Supreme Hierophant or High Priest of commerce, war and materialism which currently rules this 6th Age. Josephus in The Antiquities of the Jews, says that "Tubal exceeded all men in strength, and was very expert and famous in martial performances, ... and first of all invented the art of working brass."'

Josephus in the Antiquities of the Jews, A.D. 93;

2018-06-28 05:03:02 UTC  

@Pawhuska lol, and thank you E-4 Sir!

2018-06-28 05:03:20 UTC proofs, hypotheticals

2018-06-28 05:03:50 UTC  

The things you forget.

2018-06-28 05:04:00 UTC  

👇 🐰 🕳 with the <:trumpPunch:430910389748760587> 🚂

2018-06-28 05:05:06 UTC  

no need to go into reptilians lol.

2018-06-28 05:06:23 UTC  

Meanwhile, at the Vatican.....

2018-06-28 05:07:11 UTC  

wow. waited 12 hrs to talk and still got shut down lol

2018-06-28 05:07:51 UTC  

New Q

2018-06-28 05:08:02 UTC

2018-06-28 05:08:05 UTC  

not shut down @JonJon I'm hear to listen to ya haha

2018-06-28 05:08:12 UTC  

No good. No evil. Illusions of the eye. that sounded very wise. Actually what I just typed is a big load of b.s. I do that from time to time.

2018-06-28 05:08:23 UTC  

@JonJon mate louder mike would help good but quite

2018-06-28 05:08:30 UTC