Message from @KeepCalmSkyHasntFell
Discord ID: 462857677345914897
I am not propagating Anti Trump, I am just showing the truth, from news feeds I receive, Please dont block me
@seekingthetruth if you are seekingtruth what subject would you like to discuss, rather then crop dusting us with lefty tweets
Midnight at the oasis
Don't you forget about me....wasn't that the theme for Breakfast Club?
Good song...great movie
Sorry for that, but my Live feed on Twitter is so full of bad leftist attacking the right, I apoligise
Oa means egg
It is just what the other guys are up to
@seekingthetruth no worries mate, we are all here to seek the truth,
its just that the lefty tweets are so full of lies, it tends to get old seeing their lies over an over,
I was thinking of being lost in a desert and being desperate for some relief. Some water, some shade.. stumbling through the sands a hazzy image appears that stands out. The mind is playing tricks... the person desperately wants water and finally gets to the mirage. Thrusts their hands into the "water" and discovers it to be only sand. Disheartend they continue on hoping they will find something that isn't an illusion.
The metaphor of Oasis=refuge
Oa sees
@Kiwi61Karma yes refuge that’s what I’m thinking
Proofs so far:
“Map” Q/Trump Direct Twitter Quote
“WONDERFUL Friends” Q/Trump Direct Twitter Quote
Q = 17th Letter, Trump Receives #17 Jersey From 2018 NCAA Football Champions
During Rally Cameras Catch Trump Pointing at Supporter with Q Shirt
Trump Tweets a Picture with the Filename DOITQ
Q Posts Dark to Light Repeated in NK Trailer
Trump Visits North Korea in November 2017
Q Posts Original Lord’s Prayer Shortly Before Pope Calls For Changes
Trump Tweets and Q Posts +++
Multiple Q Posts on “Tarmac” Later Tweeted By Trump
Kenya Negotiations Regarding Barack Obama
Firetruck 74 Matches With Q Post #74
Chain Of Command Proof
Thank you Anons.
@seekingthetruth Good targets for us to drop things into 😃
If you are ill, the refuge would feel comforting
I know, I am trying really hard , and want to help overcome this scum of leftist, and the reason I am here is because I know the Deep State was involved in the murder of my family member, and case still not solved after 2 years, we all seek freedom and peace
No collusion hear ...
Refuge is solace, the 'Sangha' in buddhism
Moylan was intelligence
good point about oasis too, the literal meaning @Kiwi61Karma
This judge???
The merchants eat the visa charges I heard
Counter intel corps
The last tweet the killer sent out was about Moylan.
Leave me alone, it said.