Message from @Ladyhawktlc
Discord ID: 462983478644965389
@Deleted User its true, UK is a big part of the swamp - as a brit myself you should know I respect the US greatly and ofcourse the US has been spying on the UK also.
GWB needs to come clean on 9/11
President Trumps energy amazes me! ❤️🇺🇸 He never stops fighting for us. 🙏✌🏻😃
Professor of Physics suggests that governments are covering up the existence of aliens and UFOs
I agree the US is a major spy entity.
Cages for us it seems. 👇🏻
You can’t have an original it’s. Really? No woman vote? Certain people are 2/3rds of a vote?
Police happen upon $1.2 million in marijuana when trying to arrest unrelated suspect
we r Q
The problem is we apply law through regulation and popular opinion that the SC has been sometimes torturing law definition to fit. The amendment process is valid.
Check out @LauraLoomer’s Tweet:
@Ladyhawktlc so far she’s right.....
barron is Q
Check out @Silvio99’s Tweet:
Check out @LauraLoomer’s Tweet:
It makes no sense the Constitution is a final document, when it in it’s own 4 corners has a method of change.
Al Gore warns of 'ominous' record-breaking heat | TheHill
Al Gore feels hot because he’s fat.
Check out @ROCKONOHIO’s Tweet:
I’m sorry, the woman speaking makes zero sense.