Message from @B єℓℓα verità

Discord ID: 463129820113666058

2018-07-01 23:49:30 UTC  

After the federal ruling, the government started releasing many families more quickly since short detention stints would neither deter immigrants from coming nor give immigration courts enough time to evaluate asylum claims, said Seth Stodder, a former assistant secretary of homeland security for border, immigration and trade policy in the Obama administration.

The U.S. government could erect more detention facilities, Stodder said, but resolving asylum claims quickly isn't so easy since immigration courts are backlogged with hundreds of thousands of cases and immigrants often need time to obtain evidence from their countries.

"It is less about whether there is space to put people. They can find space to put people. The real issue is legal," he said, adding that ankle bracelets or monitoring programs might help ensure immigrants show up for court without the need for continued detention.

The Trump administration has sought to deter immigration through a "zero-tolerance" policy announced in April that mandated the criminal prosecution of all immigrants caught at the border. Authorities began jailing the parents and sending their children to government-contracted shelters, sparking an outcry from immigrant advocates and many lawmakers.

After separating more than 2,300 children from their parents, the administration shifted course this week and said families would be detained together. Officials filed a request to change the rules governing the detention of children under the court settlement - a move that advocates for the children said they would oppose.

2018-07-01 23:49:46 UTC  

Another challenge the administration faces stems from claims by many of these immigrants that they are fleeing violence and persecution in their countries. After initial screenings, they may proceed in many cases to seek asylum.

A recent decision by Attorney General Jeff Sessions to narrow the scope of asylum cases based on gang or domestic violence might result in cases moving quickly. But Stodder said doing so could also lead to more appeals and possibly more challenges of immigration rulings in the federal courts.

"Due process will be had," he said. "The question is whether it is in the immigration courts or whether it is in the circuit courts."


2018-07-01 23:49:55 UTC  

@Kathryn44 how do you block

2018-07-01 23:50:41 UTC  

@V77 Curser on their name, right click and a menu drops down...block is on the list 😃

2018-07-01 23:51:01 UTC  

@Deleted User are you Nevr anywhere else online?

2018-07-01 23:51:17 UTC  

Leftists are such lowlife scumbags

2018-07-01 23:51:27 UTC  


2018-07-01 23:51:44 UTC  

@Powder 💜 Don't feed the trolls 😉

2018-07-01 23:51:46 UTC  

How do you block on iPad

2018-07-01 23:52:01 UTC

2018-07-01 23:52:04 UTC  

@Deleted User ok I know someone named Nevr.

2018-07-01 23:52:10 UTC  

I’m a troll?

2018-07-01 23:52:24 UTC  

@V77 No idea....never used an ipad in my life lol

2018-07-01 23:52:33 UTC  

Hugh Hefner was the Genesis of pedogate. Look up Brooke Shields and Eva Lonesco. Even Peter Fonda started with Shields in Wanda Nevada. Hefner's death was two weeks before the Las Vegas Massacre. Then Weinstein, then NXIVM, then Pedovores.

2018-07-01 23:52:42 UTC  

I’m so bummed.

2018-07-01 23:52:42 UTC  

PARIS — A notorious French criminal serving 25 years for murder made an audacious escape from prison Sunday after a helicopter carrying several heavily armed commandos landed in a courtyard, freed him from a visiting room and carried him away.

It was the second daring escape by Redoine Faid, who once blasted his way out of a different prison with explosives hidden in tissue packs.

2018-07-01 23:53:01 UTC  

His latest escape, from Reau Prison, took only “a few minutes,” France’s Justice Ministry said. Unarmed guards said they could do nothing to prevent it.

“Everything is being done to locate the fugitive,” an interior ministry official told Reuters.

Dressed all in black, two commandos wearing balaclavas and police armbands entered the prison to look for Faid.

They used a grinding machine to open the door to the visiting room, Martial Delabroye, a representative of the guards’ union, told BFM television.

The commandos used smoke canisters to hide from video cameras, and the helicopter touched down in the only part of the complex that was not covered by anti-helicopter netting, said another union member, Loic Delbroc.

When the chopper arrived, Faid was meeting with his brother in the visiting room.

A third commando was holding the pilot at gunpoint, union members said.

French media reported that the three men took the pilot hostage at a flying club in the Paris region.

He was later released with no physical injuries.

2018-07-01 23:53:08 UTC  

@Deleted User I don’t think so.

2018-07-01 23:53:27 UTC  

The helicopter was found burned in the town of Garges-les-Gonesse, in the northern suburbs of Paris.

Faid was believed to have left by car along with his accomplices.

French prosecutors opened a new investigation into Faid, 46, who was serving time for the 2010 death of a young police officer killed during a botched robbery.

Investigators were questioning his brother on Sunday afternoon.

After his 2013 escape, Faid was arrested at a hotel six weeks later.

In the 1990s, he led a gang involved in robbing banks and armored vans.

He was arrested in 1998 after three years on the run in Switzerland and Israel, according to French media reports.

Faid was freed in 2009 after serving 10 years.

At the time, he swore that he had turned his life around, writing a confessional book about his life of crime and going on an extensive media tour in 2010.

Still, he was the suspected mastermind of the attempted armed robbery in 2010 that led to a high-speed chase and a shootout with police that killed 26-year-old Aurelie Fouquet.

He was arrested in 2011.

2018-07-01 23:53:40 UTC  

Discord > 24/7

2018-07-01 23:54:10 UTC  

What I learned from the Antifa handbook: For starters, you won’t believe who is defined as a 'fascist' | Fox News

2018-07-01 23:54:19 UTC  

@JonJon can you talk in chat and voice too?

2018-07-01 23:54:23 UTC  

@V77 Cool, cuz I’m not.

2018-07-01 23:54:28 UTC  

@V77 I dm'd you

2018-07-01 23:54:37 UTC  

Forming An Antifa Group: A Manual - It's Going Down

2018-07-01 23:54:53 UTC  

of that 1800 people, not all are logged into YT

2018-07-01 23:55:20 UTC  

Warning: This video is graphic and may be disturbing to some.

Video shared by SCV/Skyline Media shows the sheer panic moments after a tour boat exploded in the Bahamas Saturday -- killing an American tourist and injuring 10 other people.

2018-07-01 23:55:32 UTC  

couple of hours, lol

2018-07-01 23:55:41 UTC