Message from @gavin giant
Discord ID: 464127322472054785
so i downloaded the image file from Q's post of HongKong, enhanced the photo by lightening and adjusting exposure, otherwise did not manipulate the image by adding anything at all. this a CROPPED image of the extreme right hand corner of the original. the child's face, ears, neck, shoulder are obvious to me anyway. i'll post both original with highlighted area of the enhanced image, and then the zoomed in area, reflection enhanced. after seeing the child's face, i recall Q's comments about - reflections, light, the interior, stretching etc... i believe the photo in AF1 apple logo reflection was instruction on how to view the HK photo. am i crazy? lol. what's your opinion? is this a child?
he was 'a" yoda. not "the" yoda
Anybody barb qing?
yoda is general term for smart skilled person
Jedi keepers of the force
They all decided to show up in one place, that was good of them lol.
no tv in my life /end
lesser magic
9/11 Family Targets Mueller Coverup of Saudis’ Role
July 3, 2018 (EIRNS)—Fox News host Tucker Carlson featured 9/11 family member Kathy Owens and her lawyer, Jim Kreindler, Monday night, as both directly targetted then-FBI Director Robert Mueller, Bush, Obama and Comey for quashing every investigation into the Saudi role in the 9/11 attack. They called on President Trump to release all classified documents relating to Saudi involvement in the terrorist attack. Their strong attack clearly reflects the material in the LaRouchePAC dossier on Mueller.
Owens said that then-FBI Director Robert Mueller “covered up and stifled the investigation into who was responsible for supporting the hijackers.” Asked why he would do so, she answered, “We won’t know until we see all the documents that are still unnecessarily classified.”
Her lawyer went further:
“From the moment of 9/11, President Bush’s focus was on Iraq and Saddam Hussein. He didn’t want to hear about Saudi Arabia’s role. Saudi Arabia was an ally in the war against Iraq, and the President was a good friend of the Saudi Ambassador, who, by the way, he and his wife gave $25,000 to one of the government agents who was helping Hazmi and Mihdhar, the two terrorists [in San Diego]. There is this large body of evidence that Saudi government officials prepared for the hijackers’ arrival, helped them, gave them money, English lessons, safe houses and apartments, and provided the aid, without which it would have been impossible, according to the FBI agents who were working the case, for the terrorists to succeed.
“President Bush and Director Mueller, instead of furthering the effort to find the whole story, quashed it. Investigations were shut down, documents have been kept secret. And that was continued by President Obama and Director Comey.”
Kreindler then falsely credits Obama’s action to his desire to close the Iran deal, the only false statement in his report.
demons do the same. they need a body to feel stuff
Feckin cookies though
@Deleted User I'll keep this brief. I do not stand for Muslim control of Israel. Ido not stand for Islam. I do not stand for those who want to murder anyone because of their Faith. All I am telling you is that we have plenty of people here that LOVE ISRAEL. Make certain if you make statements against an Individual that happens to be Jewish, keep it only to that Individual. I do not have an 'Emotional Issue" when it comes to Israel and Jews. I have seen people take all Jews and make them out to be the only problem when their own people are the problem. If you want to converse with me DM. I am not as close minded as you may think.
One man show
old news if u r informed
Found it.
@Fremp @**Åli̊čeȰn✨Q̣̇✨** posted it.
Anyone catch one of the names: The doorknob
Magnify talks a lot