Message from @Alz-Heimer

Discord ID: 465334553234374656

2018-07-08 01:48:03 UTC

2018-07-08 01:48:38 UTC  

Dain Bread

2018-07-08 01:49:12 UTC  

Paul Manafort being held in solitary confinement, lawyers say (

2018-07-08 01:49:54 UTC

2018-07-08 01:49:55 UTC

2018-07-08 01:50:07 UTC  


2018-07-08 01:50:10 UTC  


2018-07-08 01:50:29 UTC  


2018-07-08 01:50:35 UTC  

Yee yee

2018-07-08 01:50:36 UTC

2018-07-08 01:50:41 UTC  


2018-07-08 01:50:50 UTC  

I see that chrome man has gotten hair since yesterday

2018-07-08 01:51:05 UTC  

is that for real?

2018-07-08 01:52:06 UTC  

Tonight you're mine completely
You give your love so sweetly
Tonight the light of love is in your eyes
But will Q love me tomorrow

2018-07-08 01:52:25 UTC  

lol qlove all

2018-07-08 01:52:31 UTC  

be aware that txt to speech plays for people even though they have muted speakers

2018-07-08 01:52:39 UTC  

it may disturb them

2018-07-08 01:53:22 UTC  

Ol' hanks head is filled with helium

2018-07-08 01:53:32 UTC  
2018-07-08 01:55:07 UTC  

Yikes on the talk to text sigh operator and @Deleted User

2018-07-08 01:55:15 UTC  

New Memos Confirm Russia Probe’s ‘Hyper-Political Bias,’ Fitton Says

2018-07-08 01:55:18 UTC  

heard that earlier today while in voice settngs...thought i did it...hahaha

2018-07-08 01:58:08 UTC  

Perkins Coie - Sedition, Inc.

1. arranged the now discredited trump dossier paid for by Killary.

2. investigators at ohio state falsely accusing Jim Jordan

3. representing illegal immigrants from Paki and Iran that were discharged from the military.

2018-07-08 01:58:29 UTC  

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti -- The US Embassy in Haiti warned its citizens Saturday to stay inside amid continued demonstrations in the capital of Port-au-Prince and a northern city following a fuel price hike.

Protesters have been demonstrating this week against a sharp rise in fuel prices ordered by the government.

Prime Minister Jack Guy Lafontant on Saturday announced a temporary stop to the price increases and appealed for calm. Prices for gasoline were to rise 38% while diesel prices were to go up 47% and kerosene 51%, the Haitian daily newspaper Le Nouvelliste reported.

2018-07-08 01:58:48 UTC  

we can put vids in there ^^

2018-07-08 01:58:55 UTC  

or make one for 24/7

2018-07-08 01:59:09 UTC  

An estimated 120 American and 100 Haitian guests are staying in a Port-au-Prince hotel where demonstrators earlier tried to set fire to the hotel and get past security, said Stacy Librandi Bourne, an emergency medical professional from HERO Client Rescue who is at the Oasis Hotel.

After the Prime Minister's announcement, the situation calmed down, she said.

US officials told tourists and missionaries to shelter in place.

"Do not attempt to travel at this time. Avoid protests and any large gathering of people. Do not attempt to drive through roadblocks," a State Department Bureau of Consular Affairs official said.

There are no reports of US citizens in Haiti being injured, the embassy said.

A youth group from Bradenton, Florida, that was scheduled to return from a missionary trip in Haiti is stranded until at least Monday, Executive Pastor Dewayne McFarlin said.

The group from Bradenton's Woodland Community Church left Neply, Haiti, early Saturday for a 3 p.m. flight from Port-au-Prince International Airport, McFarlin said. Only a few miles into the approximately 30-mile journey, the group, which includes middle school- and high school-age children, encountered armed individuals demanding payment for access to the roadway, according to McFarlin.

2018-07-08 01:59:18 UTC  

lay down

2018-07-08 01:59:35 UTC  

u mean I amuse you????

2018-07-08 01:59:49 UTC  


2018-07-08 01:59:52 UTC  

something funny

2018-07-08 01:59:52 UTC  

They talked their way past the roadblock, but elected to turn around when they came to second group of armed individuals who had erected a blockade of burning tires on the road, McFarlin says.

A local colleague of McFarlin's was riding on a motorcycle a few miles ahead of the missionary group's bus. The friend called him to say that the road ahead was filled with similar impromptu "checkpoints," McFarlin said.

"They weren't government or police," McFarlin says. "Just people taking advantage of the situation."

The group returned to Neply but McFarlin said he thinks they won't get out until Monday at the earliest.

American Airlines, JetBlue and Spirit Airlines said Saturday they have canceled flights to Haiti.

American spokesman Curtis Blessing said the airline canceled seven flights and will re-evaluate the situation Sunday