Message from @trusty rusty ✌

Discord ID: 465343841411792896

2018-07-08 02:28:07 UTC  

Oh geeze, unirock is showing a replay of 412 & Pam, saying Pam is Q.Too weird! Making fun of Q’s post of the bike.

2018-07-08 02:28:11 UTC  

THat video needs a voiceover @JonJon

2018-07-08 02:28:29 UTC

2018-07-08 02:28:32 UTC  

@Lopeover that is so funny... so debunkable...

2018-07-08 02:28:34 UTC  


2018-07-08 02:28:51 UTC

2018-07-08 02:28:57 UTC  

UniCock wears fingerless gloves in some vids. That’s an automatic disqualification.

2018-07-08 02:28:58 UTC  

@Pokatsonta -- I don't listen to Stranahan anymore, ever since he became BUTT HURT over the fact that, he's been investigating Seth Rich ( or so he says ) -- and Matt Couch uncovered a HUGE PIECE of evidence that Stranahan missed

Ever since then, Stranahan has become a bitter old man 😠 LOL 😄

2018-07-08 02:29:03 UTC  
2018-07-08 02:29:37 UTC

2018-07-08 02:29:50 UTC  


2018-07-08 02:30:22 UTC  

Im gonna go see badgergirl down in the lounge

2018-07-08 02:30:24 UTC  


2018-07-08 02:30:38 UTC  

@Deleted User Yeah. I am watching. These guys are soooo strange.

2018-07-08 02:30:39 UTC  

What the hell is going in in Chicago?

2018-07-08 02:34:04 UTC  

Just so you know, the “at sign” (@) everyone flags everyone in current chat, all 4,000 server users not here, and every Admin, Moderator, and member who are spread throughout dozens of other Discords to come running here to find out what the “important” news is that you just posted. The same goes for those newbie mods who saw me pin a message, because it addressed a frequently occurring problem, therefore ‘pinned’ for future easy reference.
The wannabe newbie mods then jumped on this, pinning their latest post and especially “I am a Mod hear Me!” BS, making the pinned message feature worthless as an Admin tool.
Hopefully, some permissions will be removed and only assigned when each individual learns a basic code of conduct fitting the authority the mod hat confers. No offense intended, but I haven’t seen this behavior since fifth grade. 😁

2018-07-08 02:34:54 UTC

2018-07-08 02:35:06 UTC  

@Deleted User -- Exactly. Unless you need to use the "" at everyone "" button for emergency purposes, people are using it be FAME WHORES....and that kind of crap needs to stop 😠

2018-07-08 02:35:31 UTC  
2018-07-08 02:36:05 UTC  

Hmmm, someone "@" me, I usually "@" back. Sorry.

2018-07-08 02:36:42 UTC  


2018-07-08 02:36:45 UTC  

@MJ -- U can " at " and use someone's name, it's just when they use the " at everyone " button, that is not needed....EVER.....most of the time

2018-07-08 02:37:07 UTC  

MAE SAI, Thailand (AP) — Thai authorities asked media to leave the area around the entrance of the cave where 12 boys and their soccer coach have been trapped for two weeks, fueling speculation on Sunday morning that a rescue mission could be imminent.

Dozens of divers arrived at the Tham Luang cave on Sunday morning and officials set up more tarpaulin sheets blocking off the divers’ operating area.

Officials declined to comment but a news conference was scheduled for 9 a.m. (10 p.m. ET).

Thai officials said Saturday they are worried that heavy monsoon rain could soon make the job even more difficult and they may need to quickly rescue the boys and the soccer coach from a partially flooded cave by helping them make risky dives to safety.

The boys, ages 11-16, and their 25-year-old became stranded when they went exploring in the cave after a practice game. Monsoon flooding cut off their escape and prevented rescuers from finding them for almost 10 days.