Message from @Powder πŸ’œ

Discord ID: 475990237768581123

2018-08-02 08:56:10 UTC  

I realized there is NO real growth when you are still willing to stay focused on the world and it's ways..

Your ways are not my ways..
Your thoughts are not my thoughts..
Declares the Lord..
Isaiah 55:8

I want to stand up and rise..
I want to grow and learn..
I want to resemble Jesus..

2018-08-03 08:27:16 UTC

2018-08-03 17:01:03 UTC

2018-08-05 07:41:48 UTC  

Peace... Be on my heart..
Around my thoughts..
Through my words..
With my actions..
Every minute.. Every day..
All month..
Throughout the year..

I am leaving you with a gift - peace of mind and heart..
The peace I give is a gift the world cannot give..
So don’t be troubled or afraid...
John 14:27

Art: Eloise Wilkin

2018-08-05 07:52:06 UTC  

Be Thankful ✿`β€’.¸ʚįɞ

Be thankful that you don't already have everything you desire.
If you did, what would there be to look forward to?

Be thankful when you don't know something,
for it gives you the opportunity to learn..

Be thankful for the difficult times.
During those times you grow..

Be thankful for your limitations,
because they give you opportunities for improvement..

Be thankful for each new challenge,
because it will build your strength and character..

Be thankful for your mistakes.
They will teach you valuable lessons..

Be thankful when you're tired and weary,
because it means you've made a difference..

It's easy to be thankful for the good things.
A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are also thankful for the setbacks..
Gratitude can turn a negative into a positive.
Find a way to be thankful for your troubles, and they can become your blessings..
-Helen Dowd

2018-08-05 22:46:26 UTC  

@Powder πŸ’œ. Beautiful!

2018-08-06 00:33:58 UTC  

@La Q Thank you. God bless you.

2018-08-06 01:42:51 UTC  

May the Lord open up the skie and pour out blessings on the person that sees this. I wish you love and a peace that passes all understanding that only God can give. In Jesus' Precious Holy Name Amen

2018-08-06 10:43:09 UTC  

@2ncourage beautiful!! Thank you!

2018-08-06 11:28:00 UTC  

@2ncourage reading this book now. It really opens up about the fallen angels and how the dna of the nephilim (giants) came through the flood. Answers questions we all have,If you have aren't able to view this let me know.

2018-08-06 11:35:16 UTC

2018-08-06 11:42:01 UTC  

Bible Study Planet

β€œIf Jesus was never meant to be shared...
He would have stayed in the grave.”

2018-08-06 11:51:35 UTC  

@Powder πŸ’œ
The seed of Satan was in Cain -- the first murderer

2018-08-06 11:52:07 UTC  

Ham and his wife....

2018-08-06 11:52:30 UTC  

Never heard the Nephilim discussed this way

2018-08-06 11:53:32 UTC  

Love our Lord Jesus

2018-08-06 11:55:36 UTC  

@2ncourage the Nephilims are the giants.

2018-08-06 11:56:13 UTC  

The sons of God will defeat them

2018-08-06 11:57:21 UTC  

The battle wages

2018-08-06 11:59:13 UTC  


2018-08-06 14:05:47 UTC  

I wonder if one of the most successful deceptions of Satan is convincing peeps that he is Gods only enemy... Jesus Christ clearly says the last enemy to be defeated will be death... Right off the top of my head, without much thought or ANY research, I can think of 3 enemies of God... Satan, Mammon, and Death... Just something I was thinking about and wanted to share...

2018-08-06 16:00:26 UTC  

@Nightring satan is the origin of what you said and all demons. satan really doesn't want people to believe he is real then they realize God is real. satan imitates God. With the temptation came the fall and death. he is poorly still wanting to be god. When God defeats death it will be at a time when all that is in hell is released and people will beg to die and there will be no death. God is going to remove death. He is going to let them see and experience the gods they worshipped. This spiritual war is satan against God and we are victims being used by satan til we learn what the spiritual was really is. I have probably said too much already just gave you what came to me. Above I told 2ncourage about a book I am reading. It gave me many answers I have wondered about many years.

2018-08-07 02:13:40 UTC  

Mat 28:17Β  And when they saw him, they worshipped him: but some doubted.Β 
Mat 28:18Β  And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.Β 
Mat 28:19Β  Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:Β 
Mat 28:20Β  Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen. ----------------------------------------

2018-08-07 02:46:53 UTC  

You are going to find that when you repeat what others are saying as your own understanding at any given moment (for we all know that our understanding of things spiritual grows and changes over time) that it may behoove you to look into the words they use... For example... "all that is in hell is released" etc etc... Without any clarification, you may inadvertently lead people to believe that you are speaking of the lake of fire reserved for the devil and his angels... But that is not actually where they are now is it??? (rhetorical question) So you may wish to dig a little deeper in your studies and begin to understand the different places described in the Bible with the use of just one word... Do you mean the lake of fire? (known as Gehenna) Or do you mean Hades? or is there even a third place referenced with the word hell... (again rhetorical questions for your own personal study... I already know the answers) And do not mistake me as pointing out that word alone for digging on... I mean every single one that pastors and other well meaning peeps throw out there to folks... I am glad you find that book informative... I have also studied in depth, from the original sources, this subject...

2018-08-07 02:47:17 UTC  


2018-08-07 02:47:30 UTC  

I want you to know that what you wrote is good, yet it has some errors that lead me to believe you might be quite new to the deeper aspects of this subject... I hesitate to write anything at all only because so many mis-read most of what is written when dealing in matters spiritual... And far far too many mis-speak when they discuss such topics... Just like that fella saying that all that is in hell will be released... He full well knows that nothing will ever be released from the lake of fire... But fails to disclose that the lake of fire is not what he was referring too... And this is how errors creep in over time... Peeps just repeat what they hear, without looking into it themselves... Because they are caught up in Mammon and dont want to spend the time away from the world to learn the truth...

2018-08-07 02:47:58 UTC  
