Message from @Muddy&Wolf

Discord ID: 587828977645912071

2019-06-10 16:09:22 UTC  

Dear God thank you for this I will rejoice and be glad in it I think you Lord for all you do for us II pray for my son tt That you will heal him mind soul and body I pray for whoever suffering in the name of Jesus I pray amen

2019-06-10 16:20:36 UTC  

My husband went for his pre-op to have knee replacement. They discovered low white blood and platelet counts. He was sent to a Hematologist who found Hairy Cell Leukemia. Following 5 days of Chemo, he became more weak and fell three times. Doctor wanted us to call for an ambulance and transport him one hour away to Joplin, MO. By the time he got there his white blood count was zero and he was running a high fever and also had a bad infection. He has been in ICU for six days. There has been some improvement but it can change in a minute. We will be married 55 years in August and I cannot imagine life without him. He is a believer and a prayer warrior himself. The enemy is trying to take him out and I rebuke it in the name of Jesus!! Please pray for a complete recovery for him! His name is Ron..... Thank You Prayer Warriors!!!

2019-06-10 16:28:00 UTC  

Been down a similar road Linda and praying that the Lord pulls him out of danger and onto the road of strength.

2019-06-10 16:33:07 UTC  

I posted a prayer request last week or so about a friend of my brother who was severely injured in a head on accident. He is a fellow NYPD officer of my brotherโ€™s and was hit by someone driving in the wrong direction while on his way to work on his motorcycle. He has a wife and small baby. We have been praying for him hard and my brother has been by his bedside and keeping close to him and his wife. The doctors were not hopeful as his complications were very grave, but he has slowly - miraculously - been pulling through. Thank you to anyone who saw the request and lifted up a prayer for him. He will be many, many months in recovery.

2019-06-10 17:15:43 UTC

2019-06-10 17:51:03 UTC  

It gets worse my uncle is still very unwell in hospital and I have been in hospital tonight very unwell

2019-06-10 17:51:16 UTC  

They have sent me home but a nurse is going to visit me daily

2019-06-10 17:51:21 UTC  

Please pray for me

2019-06-10 17:51:33 UTC  

I will call into am show tomorrow

2019-06-10 18:13:10 UTC  

@redkjungirl yes was on air

2019-06-10 18:21:51 UTC  

Per Sally 200 today
sally200 Today at 2:10 PM
Please pray for me it gets worse my uncle is still very unwell and I have been very unwell in hospital tonight
They have sent me home now but are sending a nurse daily to check on me
I will call into am show tomorrow

2019-06-10 18:37:16 UTC  

We are holding all prayer requests firmly in our heart.

2019-06-10 19:21:16 UTC  


2019-06-10 19:45:25 UTC  

@STARR wrong board

2019-06-10 20:36:19 UTC  

@LightBe777 thanks so much

2019-06-10 20:37:05 UTC  

@Prayer Warrior please read my prayer request out Wednesday night

2019-06-10 21:01:12 UTC  
2019-06-10 21:03:26 UTC  

I want to come on & pray a James Nesbit prayer. Could you show his photo after the prayer?

2019-06-11 00:30:01 UTC  

Pam, I kept noticing that someone in live chat named @lgtennis was trying to get you & Radix's attention to go to PSB on Twitch. I don't know if he has contacted you yet or not but just so you know.

2019-06-11 00:50:59 UTC

2019-06-11 02:22:29 UTC This is a bit brutal in parts, but full of the best apologetics has to offer, laced with enough humor to get you past the rough spots. "What's The Truth, and Does it Matter?" Please have a listen - M&Wolf

2019-06-11 15:10:52 UTC  

Please pray for the United Methodist Church, specifically for the Wisconsin Conference. It is becoming more and more liberal, and they are intentionally choosing liberal delegates, suppressing conservative ones. My pastor doesn't think she will be chosen this year, even though she is a (conservative) minority woman. My brother will be going as a representative for the church, but as a conservative, will be in the minority. The church may be split up. Sad. They are not allowing conservatives into the conference. Prayers, please.

2019-06-11 17:39:10 UTC  


2019-06-11 18:03:40 UTC  

Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.

2019-06-11 18:23:03 UTC

2019-06-11 18:26:50 UTC  

Look, I will force those who belong to Satanโ€™s synagogueโ€”those liars who say they are Jews but are notโ€”to come and bow down at your feet. They will acknowledge that you are the ones I love. - Revelation 3:9

2019-06-11 22:01:45 UTC  

The d3vil cant come into the world unless God is all the way out of it.

2019-06-11 22:43:20 UTC

2019-06-11 22:47:44 UTC  

@Gailm I pray for the United Methodist Church, for many many yrs I was a Methodist & very active in the church. I was the president of the United Methodist Women off & on for many yrs. I walked away from them in 2008. God Bless

2019-06-12 12:36:44 UTC

2019-06-12 12:37:01 UTC

2019-06-12 13:27:53 UTC  

@MaryKate Thank you. My brother is a lay leader and will be attending conference which has become so progressive. He has his work cut out for him. I am still praying Pastor gets to go as a delegate. Every conservative voice we can get helps! My family was also active in UMW, but none of us served as President. That was a lot of work for you!

2019-06-12 13:29:30 UTC  

Awesome Prayer calls for POTUS and the nation are listed here:

2019-06-12 13:29:50 UTC  

Suzanne Hinn
712-451-0755 Passcode: 988990 Replay: 712-451-1010 Passcode: 988990
[email protected]
Calls are at 9am Eastern/6am Pacific

2019-06-12 13:33:20 UTC  

If your Carrier wants to charge you $.02 per min (My T-Moble does), you can use the app from to call for free through the internet.

2019-06-12 13:39:25 UTC allows you to call FreeConferenceCall numbers from your computer, so you can join Prayer calls that way ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

2019-06-12 13:47:52 UTC  

This one is praying for Q now!

2019-06-12 13:47:54 UTC  

Glenda Swager - Eastern Standard Time
515-606-5166 Passcode: 273870
[email protected]
Calls are at 9:00-10:30am EST