Message from @Sara

Discord ID: 490224423060897793

2018-09-14 15:28:38 UTC  

💥 WATCH: Maxime Bernier Announces The People’s Party Of Canada

2018-09-14 15:30:04 UTC  

After then-candidate Donald Trump proved to be a serious contender for the presidential nomination, leftists began to target his rallies for disruption. While the most famous example was the rally he held up in Chicago, a number of them were disrupted by leftists protesters, and sometimes it lead to arrests, or even violence.

On Tuesday, a federal appeals court tossed out a lawsuit which claimed that when candidate Trump ordered three protestors removed from a rally he held, he incited a riot. The protesters claimed that when they were thrown out by the future president, he incited the crowd to violence, and the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals vehemently disagreed. In the ruling, the judges said he hadn’t ‘incited a riot,’ and dismissed the claims of the protestors.

The case was filed by Kashiya Nwanguma, Molly Shah, and Henry Brousseau.

2018-09-14 15:37:40 UTC  

When ar we going to freeze the Soros money to stop this dangerous activity of antifa?

2018-09-14 18:12:45 UTC  

Lol. payback is a beach now Brit is complaining

Check out @brithume’s Tweet:

2018-09-14 18:22:36 UTC  
2018-09-14 18:35:50 UTC  

You have gained a rank @ShyPanther, you just advanced to 4 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!