Message from @Deb65

Discord ID: 561540769156956172

2019-03-30 06:07:37 UTC  

The goal of any business is to make money; the MSM's viewership spiked with Russiagate, it was a money maker so they continued, it seemed a good business plan. That their viewership swallowed it hook line and sinker showed it was a real money maker so they had an incentive to continue.

With the Muller report showing No Collusion, the MSM finds itself collectively at a crossroad: Admit they were wrong and lose more viewers/readers, or doubled down in an attempt to prop up falling shares. It worked before, so why not? Meanwhile, viewers are finding the scales falling from their eyes in increasing numbers (IMO). The losers are going to be the Media and the true believers. At some point there will be a reckoning.

What's going to happen? I don't know, maybe the MSM could go into the entertainment industries... Sci Fi stories... we'll see. Bring popcorn. Cheers!

2019-03-30 09:15:58 UTC  

The people of the UK were robbed. They are not happy.

2019-03-30 09:44:47 UTC  
2019-03-30 12:17:43 UTC  


2019-03-30 12:47:33 UTC  
2019-03-30 13:14:54 UTC  

If Congress would have done its job decades ago and do it’s job now, then there wouldn’t be a such a need. Of course, we know their real motive for what’s happening.

2019-03-30 13:34:48 UTC  
2019-03-30 13:54:38 UTC  
2019-03-30 14:11:36 UTC  
2019-03-30 14:11:36 UTC  

You have gained a rank @junem6566, you just advanced to 13 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!