Message from @scarlyle

Discord ID: 596730788620533760

2019-07-05 14:23:21 UTC  
2019-07-05 14:58:00 UTC  
2019-07-05 15:02:45 UTC  

The crew on a giant Iranian oil tanker detained in Gibraltar are being interviewed as witnesses, not criminal suspects, in an effort to establish the nature of the cargo and its ultimate destination, a spokesman for the British territory said. The Gibraltar spokesman said the 28-member crew, who have remained on board the supertanker, were mainly Indians with some Pakistanis and Ukrainians. Police and customs officials remained on board the vessel to carry out their investigation, but the Royal Marines were no longer present. Shipping data reviewed by Reuters suggests the tanker was carrying Iranian oil loaded off the coast of Iran, although its documents say the oil is from neighbouring Iraq. Iran’s complaint about the seizure dispelled any doubt over the ownership of the vessel, which is registered as managed by a company in Singapore.
It was impounded in the British territory on the southern tip of Spain after sailing around Africa, the long route from the Middle East to the mouth of the Mediterranean.

2019-07-05 15:33:00 UTC  
2019-07-05 15:55:06 UTC  

Special Report On Flynn. Are Flynn’s 10 Terabytes similar to Butina/Kislyak 10TB? Did Flynn going into CIA after he left DIA? Verderame pair with Flynn to protect IS National Security interests in Iran and Saudi Nuclear negotiations.

2019-07-05 16:07:22 UTC  
2019-07-05 16:12:55 UTC  
2019-07-05 16:15:20 UTC  
