Message from @junem6566

Discord ID: 603322129462591491

2019-07-23 19:57:57 UTC  
2019-07-23 20:00:01 UTC  

Kian trial to "slap and seal" pre-Mueller testimony to blame everything on Flynn/Trump?

2019-07-23 20:03:13 UTC  
2019-07-23 20:06:13 UTC  
2019-07-23 20:06:53 UTC  
2019-07-23 20:10:49 UTC
Tom Fitton
BREAKING: @JudicialWatch Files House Ethics Complaint against Rep. Ilhan Omar Over Potential Immigration, Marriage, Tax, and Student Loan Fraud

2019-07-23 20:11:46 UTC
**Judicial Watch Files House Ethics Complaint against Rep. Ilhan Omar over Potential Immigration, Marriage, Tax, and Student Loan Fraud**

JULY 23, 2019
(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it hand-delivered ethics complaint to Chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives Office of Congressional Ethics David Skaggs calling for a full investigation into potential crimes tied to allegations that Rep. Ilhan Omar may have married her biological brother.

“The evidence is overwhelming Rep. Omar may have violated the law and House rules. The House of Representatives must urgently investigate and resolve the serious allegations of wrongdoing by Rep. Omar,” stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “We encourage Americans to share their views on Rep. Omar’s apparent misconduct with their congressmen.”

2019-07-23 20:14:34 UTC  

What in God's name is wrong with people ??
oh wait we know what is wrong with them..
so why do we get surprised
The more we fight back.. the more of this we will see
"gun control" coming back to a MSM near you

2019-07-23 20:16:15 UTC  

25 years ago, US Marines launched amphibious assault in Guam II

2019-07-23 20:17:37 UTC  
2019-07-23 20:29:10 UTC

2019-07-23 21:22:42 UTC

2019-07-23 21:37:00 UTC  
2019-07-23 21:58:21 UTC  
2019-07-23 22:09:18 UTC  

July 23, 2019

Patrick Wood delivered a speech to a prestigious gathering of doctors and scholars attending the 37th Annual Doctors for Disaster Preparedness convention in Tucson, Arizona on Saturday, July 20, 2019. The title was "Technocracy: On The Road To Scientific Dictatorship" and it gives a clear and reasoned appeal as to why Technocracy needs to be rejected by the American people. Please share this presentation with everyone you know, especially those who know nothing about Technocracy or scoff at it if they do. Let the hearers judge for themselves.

2019-07-23 22:12:18 UTC  

The real cancer on the U.S. economy is just the opposite: belief in climate change. This belief defies and denies the great body of legitimate science that overwhelmingly disproves global warming. ⁃ TN Editor

2019-07-23 22:13:24 UTC

2019-07-23 22:14:15 UTC

2019-07-23 22:25:16 UTC