Message from @Squirrels

Discord ID: 480241795477798913

2018-08-16 22:52:13 UTC  

You have gained a rank @PrinceOPeace, you just advanced to 1 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!

2018-08-16 22:56:23 UTC  

ask Q and Trump and your representatives why they are not tellling you
about the account # on the back of your Social Security cards.
-​​Weiner Laptop direct link for results of Hillary and Abedin adrenochrome making evil -

2018-08-16 23:26:34 UTC  

QAnon and the red pill of truth - BBC Newsnight

2018-08-17 01:22:32 UTC  

No hotdogs

2018-08-17 01:23:20 UTC  

Time for a walk about says my Pup

2018-08-17 18:00:58 UTC  

You have gained a rank @PsychedelicGhost, you just advanced to 1 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!

2018-08-18 05:09:26 UTC

2018-08-18 05:09:29 UTC  

A pastor I follow with a mega church in Miami tweeted yesterday they were having Active Shooter Training with FEMA. Seeing how that's Florida it kind of raised a red flag for me. Hopefully it nothing

2018-08-18 11:41:20 UTC  

Very interesting post on facebook from the director of Social Media at the White House. A Light Storm!

2018-08-18 15:46:33 UTC  

NPR proactively trying to discredit future "pain" with stories like; "Hunting For Russian Trolls (Online)"
The reason "Red-Pilling" is hard with the Left is the media they consume. NPR is still blaming Russian trolls for talk of Haiti, Clinton Foundation corruption & Clinton "body count". This segment ran on the first broadcast to say Nellie Ohr worked for Fusion GPS. NPR has hid Nellie Ohr for eight months. Here is proof NPR's Ryan Lucas knew back in December.

2018-08-18 16:30:33 UTC  

Best Trump Tweet theatrical reading yet by Randy Quaid