Message from @London2366

Discord ID: 480866351334817792

2018-08-19 13:37:25 UTC  

You have gained a rank @Marine Mom, you just advanced to 2 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!

2018-08-19 15:08:00 UTC  

thumper i was told we can play this post

2018-08-19 18:14:53 UTC  

The other day on CBTS/24-7, someone asked if Matt Damon had any connection to the "Red Shoe" people. One of the hosts said that they wondered if Damon might be in the photo with Tony Podesta, et al, during the group photo featured in Q post #1918.
Here's the image (there was another image shown on the livestream that had a face peeking out from behind that resembled Damon.)

And after that, I searched for any instance of Podesta and Damon and came up with this link from the Washington Post, March 8, 2011.

2018-08-19 18:16:21 UTC  

From the article: Type-casting: Politicians add realistic touch to Matt Damon's "Adjustment Bureau"
By The Reliable Source

Terry McAuliffe (AP/Evan Agostini)/ Madeleine Albright (Manny Hernandez/AP)/ John Podesta (AP)/ Wesley Clark (AP/Seth Wenig)
An early suggestion for next year's Oscar for Best Visual Effects: "The Adjustment Bureau," for making Matt Damon appear to be a credible U.S. Senate candidate, via the magic of CGI.

Computer-generated imagery? Nope: the Clinton Global Initiative.

In a brisk early sequence, Damon's character David Norris is seen schmoozing with a dazzling array of Democratic heavy-hitters: Jesse Jackson, Madeleine Albright, Terry McAuliffe, Wes Clark, John Podesta. It would have taken months to wrangle so many VIPs onto a studio lot, but director George Nolfi pulled it off in a mere afternoon -- by hanging out with Damon at Bill Clinton's annual big-ideas summit in New York.

2018-08-19 18:16:21 UTC  

You have gained a rank @Tallulah Starr, you just advanced to 3 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!

2018-08-19 18:21:40 UTC  

And on Bloomberg, 2015:
Matt Damon, Tom Hanks Donate to Hillary Clinton in Q3
Madeline McMahon and Greg Giroux
October 15, 2015, 5:48 PM PDT

Donors to Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s campaign in 3Q included Hollywood figures Tom Hanks, Rita Wilson, Michael Douglas, Geena Davis, Matt Damon, Meg Ryan, Candice Bergen, and Wendell Pierce, FEC filing shows.

2018-08-19 18:34:25 UTC  

Then there was the Rose McGowan interchange back in October 9, 2017, reported on EOnline:

Rose McGowan Calls Out Matt Damon, Russell Crowe, Ben and Casey Affleck in Latest Harvey Weinstein Tweets

by JESS COHEN | Mon., Oct. 9, 2017 6:12 PM
McGowan then tweeted to Ben Affleck and Casey Affleck asking them, "Ben Affleck Casey Affleck, how's your morning boys?"

The actress then retweeted a post that she was mentioned in about a Vulture article with the headline "Matt Damon, Russell Crowe Reportedly Helped Kill a 2004 New York Times Harvey Weinstein Article." The tweet said, "Have u seen this article? Do u realise how deep the cover ups go? Then u wonder why its taken so long."

2018-08-19 18:35:09 UTC  

With that said, I think it's totally plausible that it was Matt Damon in the photo with Podesta and the Red Shoe Boys.