Message from @longwayhome
Discord ID: 592536570867875864
They don't show the jumping
@ASK MAMMA hi can’t find the voice chapel...not on my I doing something wrong?
@longwayhome You’ll have to select the channel from a drop down. @Socrates Do you remember where to find it?
Hey there @longwayhome The room should appear on your left side Menu. It is just below PSB Voice 2
I hope that helps!
If that room does not appear on your list....I might suggest logging out of Discord and retrying. If that doesn't work, I would reinstall Discord again. We have had some trouble in the past with Discord. Sorry to hear of your problems!
Also, jump into the <#430201855172280360> and we can help further (we hope)
@Socrates I have the app...afraid I may have botched it up tho
That's okay. You may want to delete the App and reinstall it.
@Socrates sounds like a Socrates!!
@Socrates thanks 😊
@longwayhome please come back and tell us if you further assistance. This time, go into the <#430201855172280360> room and we can help you further
Our pleasure!
@Socrates so nice of you...see you later (I hope!) ❤️you Patriots 🇺🇸
@longwayhome YW. I would wish that I was better help but I’m am technologically illiterate and challenged. Good Luck 🍀
@Deb65 worries, so am I😊 Socrates gave me a plan to try and I’ll see how I do tomorrow..ur so sweet to write back...I’m wanting to be on live chat, Freedom Rings etc...but I keep messing up! Now I can’t find chapel😔it’ll work glad we had a chance to talk 👍 ❤️ya Patriot KAG2020 - Morning News Briefing for June 24, 2019
I am continually updating it throughout the morning, so check back often!