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2018-10-20 03:20:33 UTC [Patriots' Soapbox #help-desk]  

I am looking for help. I am new to Discord, but not new to Q or the Patriot Soapbox! Please help me know where and how to begin posting and chat with others. Thank you!

2018-10-20 03:21:37 UTC [Patriots' Soapbox #help-desk]  

I am so excited to be part of this movement and on Discord. I just need to figure out how this application works.

Favorite video clip of what is happening in the world today and why we must fight and stay strong.

Tyrell Crosby was a great player for plays for Detroit Lions. He is friends with my son....from Henderson, Nevada

People who create these videos are truly a God send....truly. So creative, informed, and do an excellent job.

Orion91....they will flush the toilet on they have shown over the past 2 years.

Ya know, watching Acosta today seems just too good to be true. Either they are truly that stupid...or he was "told" to make the video.....from a White Hat or Q without him knowing it. Just too good to be true....

Is there a list of things I need to do, in order to continue achieving advancements? Sorry all....still pretty new here. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Sounds great Lady Cole...thanks!

Thanks Pawhuska! I will do so....

Hey! Now that's funny!

Perfect, thanks Grey Anon!

Smiley....what is it you are looking for? Bad people in chat?

Followed you @316 Exposure

@316 Exposure You are welcome. I hope it goes well for you!

I am ready for CNN to close it's doors and shutdown for good.

What is the PSB Voice 2 section?

@Smiley Thanks....

@Arkansasmaga Could be right! Or, she has been there, shown what is in store for her, picked out her own cell and roommate, and is trying to shut it down before she has to move in.

This is a very interesting article. If true, why would Ivanka do this? To take over and shut down the Banking Cartel?

Imagine the Spying capability with this TV!!! Or....would be nice to see the Wall built with this Wall TV! LOL Too funny!

@Arkansasmaga you could be right. I have to figure out if I really like Ivanka or not.....being honest. But, I think she is infiltrating organizations to gather intel. I could be wrong...

Sometimes the best place to in the open.

@garriety1775 I am pretty new as well. You can post to any channel you have access to and can see. That is my understanding. But I think this area is for images, etc. The text chat is in the link below

Not sure if that helps or not

Regarding the Law to remove sitting Congress/Senator? What is the current law or can someone enlighten me?

@wheredowegofromhereQ it's a good thing it doesn't matter too much about Barr....he will serve his purpose and then be dismissed. He will be so busy with FISA and other issues...I'm not too worried about the 2nd Amendment...but good article nonetheless.

I don't recall Q or Q+ being so active.

@รพรถke...sounds is off a bit...almost robotic. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Speaking of October 1.....I am in Vegas and that night was listening to Metro scanner that night...

This is my first time in this part of PSB.....interesting. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Working on my mic....:)

To me, just plain stupid. That is an example of the game Libs are playing themselves. Just my opinion.

@romotec did my mic come through?

Okay, I'll keep trying...

It's a funny one from the movie Avatat



Can I use headphones plugged into my Mac that has a mic on it? Typically works for me with other things...But I'm new to this platform.

For sure....Casual Chat.....I'll head that way.

Q #2788 is very Powerful

Prepare in many ways....physically, emotionally, psychologically

Gotta run for a phone book soon

Hi @Nukklez! I'm having some issues with my mic....trying to figure it out. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Hell froze over today.....INCHES of snow in Las Vegas today.....

2019-02-22 01:47:05 UTC [Patriots' Soapbox #help-desk]  

I can't figure something out with Voice. Can I get some help?

2019-02-22 01:51:00 UTC [Patriots' Soapbox #help-desk]  

I have done all that and it was working until yesterday. Now, it shows I'm muted, even though on my PC and Phone it shows that I am not muted. I have Push to Talk activated as well.

2019-02-22 01:51:02 UTC [Patriots' Soapbox #help-desk]  


2019-02-22 01:52:33 UTC [Patriots' Soapbox #help-desk]  

Perfect, thank you

I am assuming people are "not" surprised by this? If they have studied and watched, the Cabal has been planning this for hundreds of years, if not longer. Bigger picture....who then is controlling them all? ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

What I want at this point, is for everything to be public knowledge. No more hiding behind secret courts, secret executions, secret blah blah blah. People will not be able to "wake up" with secrecy and hiding.

The human race (everyone) needs an opportunity to have all of the information public, and then make a choice....

@COPPINGSUNDAYS2 100% agree with ya

Yes, a PhD is very grueling and research based. Excellent job @Pawhuska

@Pawhuska Agreed. Been there.... ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

@Pawhuska sometime I would like to hear about your PhD and studies. We can compare stories.

So many of these "talk show hosts" at night are in deep (no pun intended) with child abuse and trafficking. Q is bringing more of this to Light

@Pawhuska that's great. Not many know what that principle even is. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

I wonder if there is a psychological technique to find and locate this "programming" - so that we can present this in a Tribunal Court.

I'll do some research on Tribunals as I'm not the best source. But I can do research. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

The Senate is safe....there is NO WAY a 2/3 vote would pass, just no way

Just be careful with you can find anything you are looking for, regardless it it's legit or not. Just be careful to avoid bias, etc.

Exatly @Fremp

@Deb65 interesting pic....showing Matthew Shepard. I was attending the Univ. of Wyoming at that was crazy

I'm not familiar with this guy. Thanks for sharing the video....I'll research him

@Pawhuska spot on!

Exactly.....they have taken it all....spun it to nice and warm fuzzy words, and fooled so many people.

Spot on!


I hope Fowler comes back to win it

I really like Ricky as well. I love watching he and Sergio play

@Pawhuska if you really want a good laugh, follow John Daly around the course. Hillarious

I attend the tournament in Vegas each year. Not many top players, but fun ones for sure

@Smiley that's funny....Ha Ha!

If people really knew the history of Haiti and the corruption. So sick...

I didn't get a chance to hear or watch POTUS today. I will go back and watch it probably tomorrow. From what I hear.....awesome speech?

Oh yea! Go Knights!

Indeed! Where is Clapper these days? Gitmo?

Hiding in Australia?

I am going to need help understanding the new Q's


Dang, Q is unloading tonight

So, FISA has to be dropped soon!

These people are stupid....their arrogance and pride are sick

Happy NATIONAL Anthem Day everyone!

Never understood the "why" of the black eye.

Hey, that lyric

Interesting. I always thought it may have to do with an initiation into a higher level (33rd or higher)

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