Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 478692134413664286
@DallasDebi I think your right!
Please keep this area clear for FREEDOM RINGS for the next 120 minutes
🔰 current topic - Q Decodes with Racix and 412
I would like to read this text, if it is appropriate, as an example of previous and ongoing corruption:
LadyLuck would like to talk about Omarose Onee Manigault-Newman, often referred to mononymously as Omarosa
Its not the first time she accused someone using the N wordOmarosa Controversy
On The Oprah Winfrey Show, Omarosa accused fellow Apprentice participant Ereka Vetrini of calling her the "n-word", a claim Vetrini has denied. Shortly after that appearance, Omarosa failed to show up for a scheduled appearance on the Jimmy Kimmel Live! show after she reportedly objected upon seeing a polygraph machine.
Sauce her wikipedia site
HonestGrandma would like to talk about why the Left are unable to see Truth
🔰 MSM changes our DNA? Sure is a cancer.
🔰 Do you know something about frequencies? Come chat about it in DISCORD
🔰 SDcaliConservative wants to talk about Jordan Sather & his recent vid on his interview with a Comedy Network
@Deleted User that was me on the Jordan topic 👍
Thank you for tuning in to ***FREEDOM RINGS*** Join us weekdays from 5-7pm Eastern US for this call-in show. Check out DISCORD any time to get tested for mic & headset.
@sdcaliconservative Jordan who? don't want to have to rewind ---
and, please share when you find out when it will air
Jonathan Haight "The Righteous Mind" : Don't have it here in front of me, but there are about 6 channels of concern. Conservatives pay attention to all 6. Liberals are concerned about 2 or 3. Pretty obvious when you break it down. "...why the Left are unable to see Truth"? From what I have read, the left doesn't care about the rest of those "caring" channels, but only 2 or 3 of them.
Jordan Sather @Agent 34
@Deleted User THANKS!
I think Jordan Sather is cool! 😃
Oh, and Jonathan Haight started out as a screaming liberal !
@qsmxpilot and it doesn't hurt that he's easy on the eye
i am at level four now is that enough to get me in live call
I think it is. Did you try to get in the Pre-Screening Voice channel?
i am there now
Let me see if I can help.
On Deck is locked for today. 😦 We can certainly do it tomorrow. LoveAmerica1425 hit me up right at 5 tomorrow and we'll get you on first.
***FREEDOM RINGS*** concludes
Does anyone know where is can look for @412 anon dash boards
@BACFA i will do that see you then Thank you
Seems Stormy Daniels has moved on to Europe . . . .