Message from @Gilaad
Discord ID: 536981256399749130
🕋 Anyone notice the "Black Cube" has it's own emoji?.....😱
lol My fat thumb disconnected me....I crack myself up
@Danon of course! But Try to find an Angel (which used to be Everywhere right?)
@tjams You know it. Evil everywhere, but much easier to see now days...
You have gained a rank @Nurse Nett, you just advanced to 7 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!
POTUS talking about PizzaGate in 2011
dirty brother
You have gained a rank @MIKERS, you just advanced to 2 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!
watch the lunar eclipse happening now..
hey im here
awesome.. we will finish the last 7 mins of this segument then do the house cleaning then bring you ion
no problem take your time
unmute mic
great interview @Gilaad may need to clean the audio up for podcast tonight
I will do the best i can sorry my mic was borked
i don't know its' usually crystal cleaer
not a problem
i hope your site gets some play
@Conscience Abe hey Conscious Abe, get me on there for a few minutes to support you brother!
Im going to begin doing a Live "Call in" show for the Youtube channel in the near future. Join the discord server in the link below if you'd like to participate Im going to start doing a live "call in" show through discord in the near future. If you'd like to participate join the discord server through the link below
Sorry missed ya @indigo 三
Iran Preparing to 'Eliminate Israel from Earth,' Iranian Military Warns
© Neon Nettle
One our patriot lost her discord & cred. Name in here @PatriotWoman
Prison Barges Sent To Gitmo.