Message from @MIKERS
Discord ID: 536685996956450842
Mt hope is he announces RBG retirement , Praises her service and then launches into the wall and border issue
Watch the media get on board ..
Anyone who disagrees with Trump's very reasonable border proposals need to keep the border open for nefarious purposes, those who shout loudest, are the most guilty. The wall protects people on BOTH sides of the wall with the exception of criminals only. Pelosi's outright refusal to accept ANYTHING POTUS proposes is keeping the gov shut down. Just a few short years ago the Dems were proposing the EXACT same thing that Trump is.
Seems like Trump & Pence we need to pray for their protection
π Anyone notice the "Black Cube" has it's own emoji?.....π±
lol My fat thumb disconnected me....I crack myself up
@Danon of course! But Try to find an Angel (which used to be Everywhere right?)
@tjams You know it. Evil everywhere, but much easier to see now days...
You have gained a rank @Nurse Nett, you just advanced to 7 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!
POTUS talking about PizzaGate in 2011
You have gained a rank @MIKERS, you just advanced to 2 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!
watch the lunar eclipse happening now..
hey im here
sorry i just saw this
awesome.. we will finish the last 7 mins of this segument then do the house cleaning then bring you ion
no problem take your time
unmute mic
great interview @Gilaad may need to clean the audio up for podcast tonight
I will do the best i can sorry my mic was borked
i don't know its' usually crystal cleaer
not a problem
i hope your site gets some play
@Conscience Abe hey Conscious Abe, get me on there for a few minutes to support you brother!
Im going to begin doing a Live "Call in" show for the Youtube channel in the near future. Join the discord server in the link below if you'd like to participate Im going to start doing a live "call in" show through discord in the near future. If you'd like to participate join the discord server through the link below
Sorry missed ya @indigo δΈ