Message from @silowetr
Discord ID: 470059388934291486
You have gained a rank @Deleted User, you just advanced to 17 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!
or perhaps are you just asking how to DO research? if so theres a few guides already present here inthis discord
search function should help you locate those
@Deleted User thank you
Can someone tell me where I can find 24/7 show archives? I want to re-listen to some shows and have no idea where to find them. Thank you.
Hi, I get onto Forums and Discord quite often. My wife wanted to join forums and discord but all the web links come back with "Forbidden" for both of us today. Are the servers or website down? We were trying to find the invite link to discord for her.
Just to clarify, the Forums is down. Any news on when Forums will be back up? I can get on discord PS fine. We are looking for the discord invite for my wife.
i find that blocking bastards and muting them makes my day go better
can't hear you
Cant get on air. No sound
@ex-teach if you login to the account you want to delete and then leave this server - right click on the server name and leave server then you will only have one account here. Then you could just forget about the other account.
its a pleasure mate
my PC will not download the discord app
I’m new here. Thank you for adding iPhone access. Still finding my way around, learning how to be helpful...
How do you access Patriot Soapbox Voice from a cell phone? It appears that since they changed servers there must be another way. Is there another option through a different discord or browser?
I find it helpful, so far, to listen on YT & type here... I’m fairly certain there’s a better way, but am still early in the learning curve. Best to all the other newbies!
I was able to access it on my phone less then a week ago. I can only access casual chat now. I can see both patriot soap box and casual chat on my computer, but I can't listen or talk in either .Youtube chat is terrible in my opinion
@Evilanne you should be able to access both voice chats from either device. there is nothing in the settings or permissions to prevent you.
make sure you have the channel list expanded and not collapsed, look for the tiny arrow to the left of the channels header.
I think my mike has been turned off. Tried all day to connect and cant.
@JBS59 your mic is not turned off server side, if it is off it must be on your end alone,
you should be able to join, if the program is bugging try restarting it,
if that doesnt work then check the settings by clicking on this icon
I lost my two factor authentification code. H ow can I get it?💯
check your email i guess?
Thanks Grim...I think I got it figured out now...that helped
Where do I put pedogate posts???
I was a member way before DISCORD here. I was registered with my email. Now when I try to register on discord it tells me that my email is already taken. Can someone please help me fix this ?
I am new and would like to know if iam able to share links to news articles from the town i live in ?
Daddy dragon recommended a book, which i think was called," Finances of a Nation". Was listening in my car and when I searched later, i could not find the book. How do i find the link or contact him? Thanks!
is anybody here?