Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 539346247731904512

2019-01-26 20:39:16 UTC  

Much Thanks to you for your help, still finding my way around.

2019-01-26 23:28:19 UTC  


2019-01-27 00:52:45 UTC  

can I go from my new rank to the psb discord chat

2019-01-27 02:22:30 UTC  

of course just click this <#435869520998170624> or this one <#479087702986457108>

2019-01-27 07:05:50 UTC  

@Cris how are you?

2019-01-28 02:27:42 UTC  

Im so confused

2019-01-28 02:28:08 UTC  

I am trying to go through to call in a live show??

2019-01-28 03:49:53 UTC  

Hello everyone šŸ˜€

2019-01-28 03:53:10 UTC  

@Babble0n hiya.

@Syscolady Liberty after a few more posts you will gain the first rank E1, with that rank you can join the prescreening voice room, in that room members are brought on air during call in hours.

2019-01-28 03:54:38 UTC  

First time here, another Aussie lol. From the same city as Kaz I think

2019-01-28 04:02:59 UTC  

When does Kaz normally come on?

2019-01-28 04:21:57 UTC  

something like 3 or 4 hours from now i think

2019-01-28 04:22:57 UTC  

Thanks grim

2019-01-28 04:27:03 UTC  

I have a question. I have a graphic for each state that breaks down how many illegal immigrants are in each state how many children they have and what the cost is per state. They are basically in meme form. But they're not really means. Where would be the best location to put those so people can grab their state and have those statistics off the top of their head. Even though these are just the ones that they have recorded that they know of it's still pretty shocking to know that there's half a million illegal aliens in New Jersey. Just thought I'd drink at the info out to everybody in nice postable graphics

2019-01-28 05:23:28 UTC  

I got it registered but its asking me for an invitation #

2019-01-28 05:30:42 UTC  

What am I missing, I registered and got discord chat but no other instruction

2019-01-28 05:36:31 UTC  

@Kelly Young I was promised help with discord if I joined????

2019-01-28 05:36:31 UTC  

@Kelly Young do you need help figuring out discord? try this or other similar tutorials on youtube or reach out for assistance in our help channel <#430201855172280360>

2019-01-28 05:39:35 UTC  

@DYNO IM ON ANDROID PHONE they said its possible I'm getting laptop fixed

2019-01-28 07:25:57 UTC  

@politically odd we'll we have a handfull of state channels already in the state by state section like <#487347010849079325> , but you're also free to post that sort of graphic in <#459837220136681482> or <#430235056124985365> it does qualify for memes in my opinion.

theres alos the general room <#435869520998170624>

i would love to archive each of them if i could.

2019-01-28 07:29:26 UTC  

@Kelly Young well it seems you have found us this is our discord server and your account appears registered so what in particular would you like help with? if its navigation to find our chat channels click this <#435869520998170624> for our chat channel including links and images.

for a channel that is more text only try this one <#479087702986457108>

for a channel that is less topicly focused more laid back try <#464847785288794122>

for the channel used by the call in show try <#453337918145036299>

please feel free to ask any questions you have.

2019-01-28 22:50:59 UTC  

Ok thanks @Deleted User I just didn't want to overwhelm any specific section with 50 memes
Do you think it would be possible to add every state to the state section. Maybe consolidate more populated areas on the East Coast but give you to the bigger States and individual slot. I have lots of information that is state specific and also I would love to be able to connect with the people that are from my same state

2019-01-29 01:45:46 UTC  

we have once before had all 50 states, but almost all of them were never used and it only left us with 50 mostly empty channels cloggin up the channel listing.

so now we are creating each state one at a time only after recieving more then 1 request for that state, this way we know the state channels we have will be active. (and if they become innactive for a long period of time we will just remove them then).

best way to share a large quantity of images like that would be as a url with a hosting site like or
if they are all only images can use too.

2019-01-29 01:52:28 UTC  

if your using imager dont publish them, i host tons of redpill stuff on imgur, but if you publish one it goes to their front page and gets downvoted to hell by liberals sometimes they even report on it which gets it removed,

doesnt happen if you dont hit the publish button

2019-01-29 01:52:34 UTC  

thats the publish button

2019-01-29 16:32:09 UTC  


2019-01-29 16:32:40 UTC  

I like to share the red pill info with multiple accounts.

2019-01-29 22:20:22 UTC  

How do I log in from home and not just work??? Different IP address wouldn't let me log in

2019-01-29 23:07:43 UTC  

how do you get to freedrom rings

2019-01-30 00:26:30 UTC  

@SassyQ this is Markal Anon from earlier. Any idea how to enable logging in from home on cell app w/Markal Anon account. Thanks in advance!

2019-01-30 01:01:53 UTC  

@Markalstott when you change ip's discord emails you to verify its still you using the account, you just have to click the link they email you to verify the new ip address.

2019-01-30 01:02:18 UTC  

@emptysea just join the prescreening voice channel during call in hours.

2019-01-30 01:20:34 UTC  

@Markalstott @Deleted User is the guy to ask. I see he's on top of your question. Thank you Grim šŸ˜Š

2019-01-30 01:33:49 UTC  


2019-01-30 01:51:38 UTC  

Thanks SassyQ! And Thanks grim! When I get the email, it asks to verify with all kinds of captchas then dead end. Iā€™m a noob so what am I doing wrong?

2019-01-30 01:59:54 UTC  

hmmm, if the captcha isnt going through correctly maybe try a different browser, not sure what else could cause a captcha to fail.... unless.... are you a robot?

just joking šŸ˜›

2019-01-30 02:10:47 UTC  

Lolz grim, Markalstott, if you have an ad blocker on, you may need to temporarily disable it for captcha. Also if captcha doesn't like your ip address it may ask to authenticate quite a few times.

2019-01-30 02:10:48 UTC  

You have gained a rank @Babble0n, you just advanced to 2 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!

2019-01-30 03:48:24 UTC  

Can some one please help

2019-01-30 03:52:00 UTC  
2019-01-30 03:52:46 UTC  

learning discord