Message from @Shane2blame

Discord ID: 557712190749147157

2019-03-19 20:48:45 UTC  

@Spiritual Ops ranks dont really have an end goal they are just to spice up the discord alittle, they merely represent someones quantity of posts.

though there are a couple secret channels invisible until you reach a certain rank.
but thats just for fun rly, those channels dont rly get used much.

2019-03-19 20:52:58 UTC  

@RadixVerum check you inbox. 2 emails there for on air story! check Junk its a different secure email.
they are from cutiness......
huge. ties into the Holocaust, up to now!!! I also have another big story!
Look up book Review called β€œNobody Walks” By Dennis M Walsh! childhood friend. mafia murder story. I know this family well.

2019-03-19 20:54:09 UTC  

interesting ill (ETA:)check out the show when it airs' πŸ‘

2019-03-19 20:59:08 UTC  

@Deleted User whole fam. 59 years.

2019-03-19 21:04:24 UTC  

very cool!
well just to make sure you got the right email address, tell any guests we should interview to email us at [email protected] and then we will work out a good time on the schedule for it.

2019-03-19 21:05:23 UTC  

oh btw you probly already know this but just in case.
this channel is public so everything your posting can be seen by the world so be carefull, i dont want you doxxing yourself (exposing your identity)

alot of that information could be enough for bad people to locate you. dont want you endagering yourself on the internet.

2019-03-19 21:07:09 UTC  

@Deleted Userok thank you!

2019-03-19 21:07:09 UTC  

You have gained a rank @Spiritual Ops, you just advanced to 9 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!

2019-03-19 21:08:07 UTC  

oh you can dm her is fine im not saying you cant.

i just know she is very busy and some days she doesnt have enough time to read all her dm's, sometimes she gets hundreds in a day.

because of that we have a volunteer handling all scheduling, and that volunteer is reached at that email address.

so when it comes to getting us to interview someone, all it takes is to get that someone to email us at that address.

but if youd rather work it out with radix in dm's feel free, just know it may take alot longer as she has to juggle all the other things shes doing with her digging deeper show and everything. especialy now as she just lost her cohost.

2019-03-19 21:16:54 UTC  

ok no worries im just explaining our ordinary system we have in place. like i said, you are free to dm with radix or anyone realy. good luck, i look forward to seeing the show.

2019-03-19 21:21:33 UTC  

@Deleted User you have always been very helpful! πŸ˜‡

2019-03-19 21:26:49 UTC  

How do post in the chat?

2019-03-19 21:38:32 UTC  

@Deleted User looking for where to post?

for casual chat use <#464847785288794122>

if you are posting generic links, use this channel > <#435884183085252618>

for more deeply involved research try > <#430235056158801920>

or if you are looking for feedback pop into the PSB-voice channel first then post it in > <#435869520998170624> so you can hear any responses in voice too.

if you're posting memes use > <#430235056124985365>

if you just made some graphics youd like to share use > <#459837220136681482>

and finally if you have a news article that is brand new, as of today, then use > <#479838613857763329>

2019-03-19 21:57:27 UTC  

Oops sorry about asking about rank in here still new πŸ™‚

2019-03-19 22:23:04 UTC  

no worries mate, πŸ‘

2019-03-19 22:56:40 UTC  

@Shane2blame you hada hot mic bro, had to mute you.

2019-03-19 23:31:12 UTC  

I am new to this. I thought I needed to call in. My bad. Some tutorialage would help. L

2019-03-19 23:46:08 UTC  

@Deleted User if youd like to go on air then during call in hours join the 'Pre-Screening Voice channel, you will first need to rank up to the first level. which only takes about ten posts to any text channel,

2019-03-19 23:47:11 UTC  

during callin hours theres usualy a staff member in that channel who is able to help sort out your mic or anything else.

2019-03-19 23:48:27 UTC  

in the normal voice channels you should set your device to push to talk, otherwise it transmits everything in your backround,

2019-03-19 23:49:08 UTC  

I post all the time in live chat

2019-03-19 23:49:24 UTC  

i think the call in show prefers vocie activity though? not sure

2019-03-19 23:53:37 UTC  

Got it. So that push to talk is for you?

2019-03-20 00:00:30 UTC  

its for the channel, voice activation can cause alot of hot micing, if people hot mic it interupts the discussion, so if that happens they get muted temporarily.

2019-03-20 00:00:56 UTC  

it is more of an issue in the #psb-voice channel then it is in the callin channel.,

2019-03-20 04:13:27 UTC  

I am here - I hope

2019-03-20 04:13:49 UTC  


2019-03-20 04:14:05 UTC  


2019-03-20 04:14:36 UTC  


2019-03-20 04:14:45 UTC  

just loud background

2019-03-20 04:15:03 UTC  

no I have a mic in the earbuds

2019-03-20 04:15:13 UTC  


2019-03-20 04:15:44 UTC  


2019-03-20 04:15:55 UTC  


2019-03-20 04:16:03 UTC  


2019-03-20 04:16:29 UTC  

better than moving from Unix Oracle

2019-03-20 04:16:49 UTC  

71 yo IT Pro - getting stupid

2019-03-20 04:16:56 UTC  


2019-03-20 04:17:16 UTC  

once I get it I will have it

2019-03-20 04:17:21 UTC  


2019-03-20 04:17:42 UTC  

ls -r