Message from @monkeywoman
Discord ID: 561603864437194782
i here no sound?
oops hear
noob where roxie
tech LOL stat
Hi y’all, new Q fan here. I was just wondering where I could get in contact with the server host. I wanted to ask: how many people are on this discord? It seems like quite a lot.
@Smiley A few friends of mine are curious about Q, they asked me to ask how many people are in the discord.
it should say the number on the invite link
feel free to share our invite link,
what it doesnt say. is only 2012 members have actualy posted enough to reach the first rank (about ten sentences)
@MORK for troubleshooting your sound try poking around in the discord settings,
also try unplugging your mic and reinserting it.
or try restarting your system entirely.
also make sure you are running discord from the desktop app. not in browser. of the two versions the browser form doesnt work as well and often has no sound.
@Deleted User Thanks man! Appreciate the info.
how can i get in on a voice chat?
just click on a voice channel to join it.
were i can post youtube stuff ?
of adam schiff
where to post?
@Deleted User looking for where to post?
for casual chat use <#464847785288794122>
if you are posting generic links, use this channel > <#435884183085252618>
for more deeply involved research try > <#430235056158801920>
or if you are looking for feedback pop into the PSB-voice channel first then post it in > <#435869520998170624> so you can hear any responses in voice too.
if you're posting memes use > <#430235056124985365>
if you just made some graphics youd like to share use > <#459837220136681482>
and finally if you have a news article that is brand new, as of today, then use > <#479838613857763329>
here is the link for the discord server used for Radix and Gooddog's Digging Deeper show.
What is ZOOM?
@Village Id10t I was just going to ask the same Q
@Deleted User, hello, what link/chat /do people communicate in discord ? they refer to the "room" in discord.
Thank You
@Village Id10t @ColdBrewedFreedom
Zoom is the video conference program used for the you tube live stream.
@1xLand2xSea if you heard it on the stream probably talking about the YouTube live chat, or possibly <#453337918145036299>
If you heard it in a voice room in discord probably meant <#435869520998170624>
Or <#464847785288794122>
thanks Grim!
@CANADA MIKE A Mexican patriot teamed up with an El Paso patriot & created Border News Network on fb. They reported that the cartel is putting VIP Illegals on planes into Canada to cross the US Northern Border.
@LightBe wow that is crazy hopefully our boarder patrol is on it there.
How do I get my server back? I'm showing no one is online.
Hi folks im new
Hi. Longtime listener first time using discord.
Yes E-mail. I'm new
I am confused on some of the jargon. Can you help me.
@Naomi Hughes what jargon has you confused?