Message from @The Big Oof

Discord ID: 506335774120345612

2018-10-28 17:29:13 UTC

2018-10-28 17:34:27 UTC

2018-10-28 17:48:51 UTC

2018-10-28 17:59:06 UTC

2018-10-28 20:38:28 UTC  


2018-10-28 20:39:53 UTC  

i can beat him up lmao

2018-10-28 20:39:55 UTC  

and im 16

2018-10-28 20:39:56 UTC  


2018-10-28 20:40:09 UTC  

my bicep is the size of his thigh muscle

2018-10-29 00:28:38 UTC  

@♥ Nalokotniki ♥ To be fair you cant see his thighs

2018-10-29 00:43:32 UTC  


2018-10-29 02:01:28 UTC  

my eyes

2018-10-29 04:13:19 UTC

2018-10-29 04:22:23 UTC  

Since this is a shitposting channel is it alright to spam in here?

2018-10-29 04:22:29 UTC  

My guess is no but I'm curious

2018-10-29 04:22:35 UTC  
2018-10-29 04:22:51 UTC

2018-10-29 04:57:35 UTC  

Damn, a political comment which introduces a bunch of actual legitimate issues but handwaves them to propose an unnuanced answer

2018-10-29 05:13:10 UTC  

@SilverLining Speaking of unnuanced, you like to present your worldview as having universal agreement, and it being universally true.

2018-10-29 05:17:35 UTC  

I'm just holding a mirror to your face.

2018-10-29 05:29:33 UTC  

But I suppose when your whole worldview is built on top of a black and white thought process such as "YOU'RE JUST HATEFUL! YOU JUST HATE PEOPLE FOR NO REASON!" (you do this btw, I can refer to some examples and quotes of yours if you want), it is an expected result. You claim to want to learn about your enemy, but you aren't exactly doing the best job.

2018-10-29 10:54:28 UTC  


2018-10-29 11:53:09 UTC

2018-10-29 13:02:59 UTC  

@Meowffenϟϟ™©® why was I pinged

2018-10-29 15:38:18 UTC

2018-10-29 17:29:28 UTC  

@Pingu because I asked a question about the rules

2018-10-29 17:30:09 UTC  
2018-10-29 19:32:02 UTC

2018-10-29 21:27:04 UTC  

I actually provide reasons as to why certain issues exist...?

2018-10-29 21:27:05 UTC  

Instead of just

2018-10-29 21:27:35 UTC  

arbitrarily assuming factors are due to race

2018-10-29 21:28:07 UTC  

I take a historical and psychological perspective, actually examining the potential factors

2018-10-29 21:36:17 UTC  

>Trying to argue in <#463779195114225685>

2018-10-29 21:36:38 UTC  

just responding to someone else

2018-10-29 21:36:47 UTC  

who directly @ed me

2018-10-30 01:03:17 UTC  

@SilverLining You just did it again 👏

2018-10-30 01:03:58 UTC  

"I actually provide reasons as to why certain issues exist...?
Instead of just
arbitrarily assuming factors are due to race"

2018-10-30 01:04:14 UTC  

">arbitrarily assuming factors are due to race"

2018-10-30 01:06:15 UTC  

Yeah, I just attribute race to everything for the fuck of it. You got me.

Also, so how is that (giving reasons for your beliefs) any different than someone giving reasons for why they agree with race realism? So the reasons are arbitrary when contradictory to yours? What makes something arbitrary?
I'll take a gamble and wager that judging by the way you respond, you seem to think the only way someone could ever become a race realist is if they were just "ignorant" of how brown people really are and hate them based on one of two things:
1. Because they look different and they're meanie bad men that just want to hate people who are different than them.
2. Because of some anecdotal example/experience.

This is important because it highlights many things, most important of all, why you think your opponent's position is always arbitrary.

Maybe I am wrong here, but given your wording, I doubt it. When you found out I was from a rural area, you implied I was racist because I lacked experience with "other cultures," and in every conversation you argue with the assumption the other person wants to just be a meanie and genocide minorities (hence why you thought I wanted to oppress brown people or something a while back and started arguing against {whatever the topic was} using "well it's wrong to oppress people" even though nobody was advancing that idea), so you'd have a hard time dissuading me of this.

Don't really see you arguing against the idea of you seeing the world in black and white. You seem keen on proving that assessment to be correct.

2018-10-30 01:07:28 UTC  

@Doctor Anon It's a fitting channel for her trashcan ideas anyway