Message from @Reb Trump

Discord ID: 527447948745768970

2018-12-25 17:37:50 UTC  

it is but the way of *koinonia*

2018-12-25 17:41:29 UTC

2018-12-25 17:44:32 UTC  

@el pebble that's still heretical, you focus more on ideology than the religion itself, you only used religion as a means to an end, which is heretical.

2018-12-25 18:35:51 UTC  

>you cannot serve both god and money
>establish a political system entirely focused on materialistic goals rather than spiritual

2018-12-25 18:36:00 UTC  

I see a contradiction here

2018-12-25 18:36:37 UTC

2018-12-25 19:23:37 UTC  

@Doctor Anon dude what

2018-12-25 19:23:54 UTC  

thats a strong claim

2018-12-25 19:24:31 UTC  

especially since the catholic worker movement's leader is possibly to be canonized by the Church

2018-12-25 19:26:40 UTC  

why would i not support an ideology that is the true bulwark of my faith

2018-12-26 01:56:28 UTC  

@Doctor Anon are you going to answer me

2018-12-26 02:53:38 UTC  

guess not

2018-12-26 05:53:28 UTC  


2018-12-26 06:30:08 UTC  

The Jewish religion has negatively affected everyone. Christianity is a curious mix of Jewish beliefs and Pagan tradition and unfortunately, both are destroying Western society.

2018-12-26 06:38:11 UTC  

one of these people

2018-12-26 06:38:19 UTC  

>muh dead kike on a stick
>sand religion

2018-12-26 06:38:21 UTC  


2018-12-26 07:43:59 UTC  

Jesus died so you would be saved from kike trickery in the future.

2018-12-26 10:44:09 UTC  

I'm a Jew. Sup

2018-12-26 11:04:42 UTC  

Imma ask you nicely, either help us tear down your people's zog machine or gas yourself.

2018-12-26 11:29:50 UTC  

imma party it up first

2018-12-26 11:57:24 UTC  


2018-12-26 13:34:45 UTC  

@4042 im starting to like evola more and more

2018-12-26 13:36:14 UTC  

@MinecraftMemer interestingly enough i find the history of christianity in europe interesting, on one hand it allowed europe to survive, on the other hand it seeks to destroy its ethnic homogeneity, and necessarily dose so usually through the organization of the church and its philosophy as in international and generally globalist entity, rather than a local one.

2018-12-26 13:39:02 UTC  

generally christianity in the east, so generally speaking slavic, some scandinavian, finnish etc. territories was absolutely and destructively enforced, not to mention essentially an area being crusaded because for example the balts were forming a polytheistic state. SO the tuetons decided to subdue them and introduce christianity so compeltely that they simply ended up causing a war and genociding the old prussians who no longer exist. Not to mention that the local pagan costoms were absolutely systematically destroyed, and records were pruposefully scarce. In one way christianity has sought to uproot the peoples of europe

2018-12-26 13:39:17 UTC  

in another way it functioned to stabilize their nationhood.

2018-12-26 13:40:03 UTC  

however i may be one of the few christians to say it, but in the end it seems that christianity is inherently, as an organization, against european homogeneity

2018-12-26 13:42:48 UTC  

Think that by uniting the people under one faith, it caused a lot more good than harm. It forced people to work together at the cost of national identity but by doing so it solidified a moral superiority in the people that eventually led to Nations of today.

2018-12-26 13:43:19 UTC  

And I mean nations as they were founded, not the modern depravity

2018-12-26 15:47:56 UTC  

"we think that if a Western tradition could be rebuilt it would be bound to take on a religious form in the strictest sense of this word, and that this form could only be Christian; for on the one hand the other possible forms have been too long foreign to the Western mentality, and on the other it is only in Christianity-and we can say still more definitely in Catholicism-that such remnants of a traditional spirit as still exist in the West are to be found. Every 'traditionalist' venture that ignores this fact is without foundation and therefore inevitably doomed to failure; it is self-evident that one can build only upon something that has a real existence, and that where there is lack of continuity, any reconstruction must be artificial and cannot endure." - Rene Guenon in Crisis of the modern world @Bogatyr Bogumir @Crazed Shotgun

2018-12-26 16:46:15 UTC  

Religion has definitely not allowed Europe to survive. If anything, it caused the decay of the Roman Empire, the weakness of several states including the United States today and tends to divide, rather than unite people, as seen in the Reformation. In order to make moral and ethical decisions that are logical, leaders must make decisions based on reason, not a book written by some Jews 2000 years ago.

2018-12-26 16:47:59 UTC  

The Middle Ages, nicknamed the Dark Ages, did have a few advancements, namely, an advancement in warfare and and an advancement in religious understandings, both useless towards the progression and improvement of the human condition.

2018-12-26 16:50:36 UTC  

The true advancements came during the Renaissance and Industrial Age, with scientific rigor and curiosity replacing the superstition and paranoia of religion and capitalist expansion replacing the asceticism of Christianity.

2018-12-26 17:12:15 UTC  

Spoken like a true decadent modernist

2018-12-26 17:12:23 UTC  


2018-12-26 17:27:17 UTC  

The true advancements came during the Renaissance and Industrial Age, with scientific rigor and curiosity replacing the superstition and paranoia of religion and capitalist expansion replacing the asceticism of Christianity.
You forgot to mention that during Renaissance, Deism and Atheist rised, causing a fair damage to the religions, mostly the Christian ones. However, this had as a result the creation of new ideas and stereotypes, leading to the expansion of Homosexuality and other "degenerate" beliefs.

2018-12-26 17:28:48 UTC  

With the decline of the Catholic Church, Protestantism was created, and rised, as well as Orthodoxy began getting powerful again.

2018-12-26 17:30:02 UTC  

Right now, the lack of religion in some parts of Europe, has also caused the decline of morality in countries with high atheist population, like Sweden.

2018-12-26 20:07:30 UTC  

Homosexuality is a purely Western invention. There were no such homosexual practices in America, Africa or Asia prior of colonization, while colonization brought medicine and technology, it also brought the mental illness of homosexuality.

2018-12-26 20:10:02 UTC  

Homosexuality was only a problem in the Middle East and in Greece and Rome, like how disease spreads with trade, homosexuality spread with Western culture and Christian and proto-Christian (Jewish) beliefs.