Message from @Da_Fish
Discord ID: 468919896789614624
if a state feels as though its issues are not being reflected in the federal government its only going to add tension to the states as a whole
basically get us closer to civil war
seccession is the right of every state as given to them by the constitution same as armed revolt
errr not reflected, adressed
Definitely. I’d be cool with California fucking off
Yes, as there's technically no logical reason they shouldn't beside them maybe not being able to support themselves. Which would be on them, not the rest of the states.
I would make the process very difficult to achieve (Congressional approval of both chambers, presidential approval, and SC majority), and have a time requirement before a former state can come back to the Union again.
That way it ensures that the states may not always get what they want to be a free nation, and shows the consequences of leaving the U.S. by having the time requirement.
Sure. It shouldn’t be easy, or easily reversed.
Imagine how it will look when we have less whites and more none whites.
Give California it’s independence and close the borders.
People of color
I hope Cali seceeds so we can annihilate them
sorry Anonn
Minorities voting only Democrat <:Monkas:459545654029713408>
@Da_Fish yes
Secession should happen
dont ping me for responses
talk to others
I don't want to be in the same country California is a part of
You wanna be my test subject @King Leopold II
Test what?
I need to see if muted works
?mute @King Leopold II 10m
<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> ***Chiang Kai Kek#6368 was muted***
?unmute @King Leopold II
<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> ***Chiang Kai Kek#6368 was unmuted***
<:dynoError:314691684455809024> That user is a mod/admin, I can't do that.