Message from @Doctor Anon
Discord ID: 500484686657748993
And that's not even accurate
Under current administration eco growing at over 3% and 4%
China's economy is starting to level out and mellow, while the U.S's is only increasing.
USA will always be number one until we destroy ourselves
You spell wan like the Chinese so I see why you make biased charts that are unproven.
@everyone Daily Question 🔖
With nationalist parties gaining power in Europe, will Europe return to 'normality' of nationalism? Or will the globalists/eurocrats prevail?
it depends on the type of nationalism
some nationalistic types want to bring back old governments ie: monarchies, which is dumb imo
but I feel like a more modern type of nationalism could prevail
I think some countries will return to nationalism and others will devolve into civil war once they realize after it is too late
Germany is an odd spot because of muh holocaust, but it's a genuine concern within the population that a rise of nationalism would bring back 1900s style diplomacy of bring cold-handed towards each-other
if Europe doesn't manage to send a lot of people back... nothing meters, anything they do is palliative...
I doubt civil wars would start due to eurocratic governments
the largest thing I expect is a string of violent riots, maybe even a coup
but that's it
A civil war would start
EU recently announced activation of "European Union Army"
They're going to use it to coup any anti-EU sentiment
an EU army huh?
probably would only be used for civil control
maybe if the nationalists act civil shit will pass without blood
the blackpilled say globalist
the white pilled say nationalists
i really dont know
@Deleted User "civil"
EU already did a soft coup de ta in Italy by blocking a democratic election
He who is not angry when there is cause for anger is immoral
yeah because Italy is in a fucking political crisis, they had to hold it up before 5 politicians die
you take a moderately stable nation willing to change to nationalists and there you go
@Deleted User Italy was not in a political crisis. The EU said it was, it wasn't. The only "crisis" was that the nationalist parties were on track to gain power. There were no riots, there we're no threats of violence or death.
I barely remeber what happened but from what I hear the election was a fuck off mess and it wasn't clear who won.
The EU did what they're sort of supposed to and swooped in to put in a candidate in charge
it was obviously going to be pro-EU
@Deleted User You have bad memory than, because it was a near landslide for the nationalist collation, not an unclear election. EU stated the election was "a Grave threat to the European Project" and used it to justify medelling in a sovereign nation's elections and override it. The EU overriding a democratic election is a clear warning sign.
may I have a source?
@Doctor Anon @Deleted User the Eu is literally made to prevent nationalism
I mean
After the events of the world wars nationalism wasn’t too popular...