Message from @SilverLining
Discord ID: 500798849246560268
Civic or ethno?
I'm presuming ethno
Well, eh
That could be unfair
Civic or ethno nationalist, shen?
I’m an ethno nationalist, but economically I’m left wing.
Communist left-wing?
Strasser was baste
Depends on what you mean by "ethno-nationalist", but I am more sympathetic to foreigners that share my belief system over those that do not.
The problem there, is that few foreigners would align with me in comparison to my own.
But, I'll just forward what I was saying anyways
I dont know if I would call myself an ethno-nationalist
Does your nationalism extend to migrants who are patriotic in the nation
or is it based on "blood and soil"?
Or something akin to that
but for the sake of this conversation, let's just say I am
or "a shared heritage"
Alright, well, ethno-nationalism (and generally the beliefs surrounding it), contradict my own ideals
Well, the thing is few migrants are patriotic to the nation
And contrast what would support my personal best interests...
Are they ever at fault?
Or are they always victims?
The mere act of being a migrant doesn't place one at fault, no
Who let them in?
Who passed legislation against discrimination
It varies depending on which group you mean
And even then, societal attitudes differ
For instance, America conquered much of its southern and western territories from Mexico - there wasn't migration, and thus, any who lingered from that time, staying in their place of birth were already here, and thus, face discrimination for no reason more or less
But of course, in the case of actual migrants
Generally free will - Governmental programs needed to help the states (like the Braceros program) - An economically forced migration north (As in, crushing poverty, possibly starvation, and minimal healthcare if one chooses to remain in an area) - Or just deciding to move anyways
While migrating to another nation isn't a right (the whole concept of rights are abstract/made up anyways, but that's the case with most things, like borders, or the very state itself), freedom of movement independent of birth status is an ethic nearly universally held
However, just because a government permits some migration doesn't mean society holds equally tolerant attitudes
Alright, so they're never victims no matter what they do.
*they're always
How do you take that away from what I'm saying?
Because that was what you were asked
"Are they ever at fault?"
"Who let them in?"