Message from @Bogatyr Bogumir

Discord ID: 520303634781831178

2018-12-06 18:16:19 UTC  

N i g g e r s

2018-12-06 18:16:28 UTC  

Well, rather be a n****** than a monkey. Even evolution says so

2018-12-06 18:16:38 UTC  

whats the difference

2018-12-06 18:16:40 UTC  

A what now?

2018-12-06 18:16:48 UTC  

Well, one might have morals.

2018-12-06 18:17:02 UTC  

@Draco ??????

2018-12-06 18:17:17 UTC  

Well, nothing. Just preparing helis for Evolutionists

2018-12-06 18:17:25 UTC  

ok now this is epic

2018-12-06 18:17:34 UTC  

@Draco literal idiot needs to kill himself

2018-12-06 18:18:00 UTC  

You would be on crucifix for bearing false witness

2018-12-06 18:18:09 UTC  

So, who cares about your retarded opinions

2018-12-06 18:18:45 UTC  

Wonderful, that Draco guy is clearly an uneducated dumb fucking plebeian, but the article that he linked made a viable point that not every mutation can be called selfish as it is the natural "job" of DNA to express, and it could be difficult to decide in between a mutation being "dominant" or not as some do not even provide reliable phenotypic modifications.

The another argument against normal statement of genes being "dominant" is that some cells and other "objects" are more likely to treat DNA as a "pool of material" rather then being directly influenced only by that code.
That you can modify that code "on the fly" as you were for example writing a program that could modify itself.

The example were for example early-stage human body cells that later develop into very specific distinguish cells

2018-12-06 18:18:49 UTC  

You literally contributed nothing to the argument

2018-12-06 18:19:02 UTC  

Well, I didn't lie at the very least

2018-12-06 18:19:09 UTC  

Anything more as I start up the rotors

2018-12-06 18:19:59 UTC  

Also known as stem cells, or hematopoietic, fetal stem cells

2018-12-06 18:20:10 UTC  
2018-12-06 18:20:13 UTC  


2018-12-06 18:20:41 UTC  

One evolutionist deported is one like from God

2018-12-06 18:20:49 UTC  

Lets get to 100k likes

2018-12-06 18:20:53 UTC  

@Mr. Wonderful Thats kind of true, issue is sickle cell anemia wasnt what they hav ethey have the sickle cell trait and express both the sickled erythrocytes and healthy ones allowing them to function asymptomatically until they need to actually do excercise. They often suffer from splenomegaly and other diseases though, peripheral cyanosis and anemia. They arent healthy but they are alive. They are however "defective" compared to their healthy counterparts.

Additionally this wasnt developed in a response to malaria rather due to random enviormental factors and small population size and large families, the trait passed on. Anyone can get the trait anywhere. Most mutations occur randomly.

2018-12-06 18:21:17 UTC  

(random clarification of sickle cell trait not attacking or anything)

2018-12-06 18:21:29 UTC  

anyway, my own argument was that the neo-darwinism theory might be lacking as it wasnt possible to determine every factor to the DNA modification, even that oxford professor mentions it, but his point was to call on the "old" not-updated part of the theory that with current scientific facts might not always make perfect sense.
This is my subjective opinion on it, I think that it was his point.

2018-12-06 18:21:43 UTC  

ah yeah sicle anemia is real

2018-12-06 18:22:14 UTC  

```Additionally this wasnt developed in a response to malaria rather due to random enviormental factors and small population size and large families, the trait passed on. Anyone can get the trait anywhere. Most mutations occur randomly.```
it most likely developed due to some people living in small populations isolated from malaria regions maybe?

2018-12-06 18:22:14 UTC  

Read the papers man. @Bogatyr Bogumir They are honest.

2018-12-06 18:22:38 UTC  

That will tell you how Evolutionists stalled progress of Science

2018-12-06 18:22:49 UTC  

For 4-6 decades

2018-12-06 18:23:08 UTC  

@Mr. Wonderful When did I say that, lol

2018-12-06 18:23:36 UTC  

Wow, you assert that and want me to scroll up

2018-12-06 18:23:39 UTC  


2018-12-06 18:23:53 UTC  

What next, I accuse you of rape, and you prove you didn't do it

2018-12-06 18:24:06 UTC  

@|4d|61|74|74| Of course most likely, small population, large families and tons of second cousin marriages even without such pressure can cause a trait to go essentially viral through the community. However malaria made it more prominent, another enviormental factor to expain the prevelance of a trait. (and more powerful than others)

2018-12-06 18:24:13 UTC  

I think that you would lose if we called you a dumbass draco

2018-12-06 18:24:13 UTC  


2018-12-06 19:09:03 UTC  

@Draco#0592 I see that debate got pretty lively but I'll respond to your comment before reading the rest. How does horizontal gene transfer disprove evolution? Again, I don't claim to be very knowledgeable in this matter, but I think I've seen it argued that such a HGT was found in humans and a primates, which is supposed to have come from such a situation but then passed down through reproduction. I might be wrong, it has been years since I watched that video. Sorry if it's a foolish question, I haven't been interested in evolution for years. Also, I understand that you think some evolutionary scientists might be wrong, but how do you know you are accurately applying the label of "liar"? That's quite a different thing.

2018-12-06 19:09:54 UTC  

@Draco#0592 You didn't rape anyone , as you were raped by your own imagination. That is why you will forever remain a bastardized version of your former self.

2018-12-06 19:09:59 UTC  

@Bogatyr Bogumir It's my understanding that there are some vestigial structures in humans. Have you read about those common claims and disagree?

2018-12-06 19:10:30 UTC  

Oh, what happened to Draco?

2018-12-06 19:10:50 UTC  

Natural Selection happened. @t r u e

2018-12-06 19:11:06 UTC  

lol, I guess so