Message from @Bogatyr Bogumir
Discord ID: 528634300757966848
They are Indoctriation centers
It depends on the college TBH
Yea most colleges are left, but I’ve been near some pretty right colleges
my college prof sperged out at me when i said mexico was just as much to blame for bribery as the businesses that did it
Pick one
should have just said it wasn't my fault mexico was a shithole
Colleges certainly have a more moderate student body than anything, but where the actual college staff leans is different
whish that phrase had been popularized
If you consider libtards leftists sure I guess
Tbh, When I live on Campus, expect a Roman Eagle + Bundle of Sticks flag on the front entrance..
Of my college house
Imagine going to college
Perhaps this is because I go to a Californian university, but people indeed to have to do course requirements related to diversity.
Not to mention a lot of "soft sciences", like linguistics, are chock full of these sorts of politically correct terms and narratives.
It is left, yeah.
Anyone go to a IT(Institute of Technology) college? Is the experience better?
im at a med school
one with a sexy woman
the other a man
the girls start flipping shit over the woman
apparently are blind to the man
interpret pat on the backs as "coming on to them"
dress like sluts low cut tops, flashing cleavage, "im more than my body" kind of comments
even had a small campeign of no bras
being a thing
for fucks sake even with a thick shirt
its obvious
They need a helicopter ride
i should also note 75% of the girls at my uni are girls raised in sweden, norway, germany
the guys are often soybys
so i tend to unironically chill with one anglo dude
a bunch of hindus
some arabs
cuz we at least have topic to talk about
but in general its hard to relate because they are in their own little groups once the language changes its me and anglo dude