Message from @campodin

Discord ID: 494351283508215808

2018-09-26 03:13:21 UTC  

Still haven't addressed my point. I'm an atheist who is culturally the same as any other person in this country, Christian or no, why should I be kept out of office?

2018-09-26 03:24:57 UTC  

I did address it. The state isn't there to serve you. Its purpose is to serve the nation. That includes all individuals, but primarily it is the nation as a whole it serves. Every politician has the responsibility to serve. If they can't do that properly they should not be allowed to hold the office. A hindu does not have the interests of the Christian nation in mind and thus cannot properly be a public servant.
The fact you think you can be atheist and still hold the same culture as Christians shows your ignorance of what a culture is. I can guarantee there is an entire Christian culture you are not privy to as an atheist, unless you live like a Christian despite your beliefs.
Your attempts at trying to bring it back to Canada are vacuous since Canada is so far gone from what a good society should operate like. Canada needs an entire reordering of its society. Part of that includes imposing the cultural heritage onto minorities. If they don't like it they can leave.

2018-09-26 03:26:41 UTC  

Well, Canada is my country of residence so that's what I used. Replace "Canada" with "America" and you're set. What's your definition of "Nation."

2018-09-26 03:26:53 UTC  

and why should government serve a "Christian Nation?"

2018-09-26 03:29:22 UTC  

In every way except religion, I have the same culture as a Christian. Does that make you feel better?

2018-09-26 03:29:33 UTC  

The nation is a group of people who hold a common heritage, tradition, religion, and/or ethnicity.

2018-09-26 03:29:53 UTC  

your assertion that you do means nothing

2018-09-26 03:29:59 UTC  


2018-09-26 03:30:30 UTC  

So America isn't a nation?

2018-09-26 03:30:36 UTC  


2018-09-26 03:30:43 UTC  

Because if it's not that's a pretty useless definition.

2018-09-26 03:30:48 UTC  

it is comprised of multiple nations

2018-09-26 03:31:16 UTC  

Great. So why can't I run for office again?

2018-09-26 03:31:34 UTC  

I mean, you say I can't serve *the nation* correctly, but there's multiple in America?

2018-09-26 03:33:21 UTC  

Why do you think so many states constantly threaten secession? The state cannot serve all of the nations properly which leads to strife between the different regions.

2018-09-26 03:34:02 UTC  

Right, but I don't care about interregional strife, I want to know why I shouldn't be allowed to enter office. Why does my lack of belief in God stop me from serving people well?

2018-09-26 03:34:37 UTC  

The civil war was a tragedy, the states should have remained the predominant authority in peoples lives.

2018-09-26 03:34:45 UTC  

If I entered office I would make 0 religious mandates or policies surrounding religion, with the exception of abolishing any laws that would prevent you from practicing your religion as you please.

2018-09-26 03:35:06 UTC  

The civil war is history, do you have anything recent?

2018-09-26 03:35:21 UTC  

You won't do the things that are in favor of the nation

2018-09-26 03:35:30 UTC  


2018-09-26 03:35:35 UTC  

What does that mean?

2018-09-26 03:35:50 UTC  

What is, and isn't, "in favour of the nation?"

2018-09-26 03:37:15 UTC  

For a Christian nation you would not be interested in keeping other minority religious groups out.

2018-09-26 03:38:09 UTC  

Sure, I wouldn't. The social order is free to assemble itself, the state shouldn't be involved.

2018-09-26 03:38:10 UTC  

On principle you would have no problem with a mosque being built in the community

2018-09-26 03:38:23 UTC  


2018-09-26 03:38:32 UTC  

As long as a church can also be built.

2018-09-26 03:38:32 UTC  

This is why, you don't have the nation in mind

2018-09-26 03:38:40 UTC  

Sure, now why is that bad?

2018-09-26 03:40:32 UTC  

You are undermining the nation, breaking down its identity, and devolving what it means to be a part of it. This is why you Canadians are such cucks, you can't see why your own nation is falling apart. You have no sense of self preservation.

2018-09-26 03:41:11 UTC  

No, not really and I can get to why exactly in a moment. But the first bit is just a reactionary, moral, and emotional statement. Justify it.

2018-09-26 03:42:46 UTC  

Look at Canada, and every western nation, this insistence on liberal secularism is a complete failure.

2018-09-26 03:43:15 UTC  

But that's not what I'm advocating for. I want to abolish all social programs and strengthen the borders.

2018-09-26 03:43:17 UTC  

@The Big Oof still think I'm a lolbert?

2018-09-26 03:43:38 UTC  


2018-09-26 03:44:08 UTC  

Yeah, I want those things too

2018-09-26 03:44:44 UTC  

But I don't want a shitty law that stops me from entering office just because I'm an Athiest. Why can't we be free religiously?

2018-09-26 03:45:38 UTC  

The individuals can be free to worship however they please.

2018-09-26 03:45:38 UTC  

☭ ☭ ☭

2018-09-26 03:46:08 UTC  

But they can't enter office? And they can't build a religious temple?