Message from @Crazed Shotgun
Discord ID: 527495503152152586
Fuck, my dad bought an eotech knock off and the thing died after every shot because of the recoil shifting the battery
You are overstating their failure rate I think. Modern armies use optics for everything, many day optics do not need batteries, and night vision is too important to forgo
I would just rather not pit my irons against another soldier's optic if my life was on the line
Night vision I agree with
for a long time our military ran 90% of raids at night
because we had the stuff and they did not
I just have bad luck when it comes down to it. I know that the moment I get into a firefight my optic will fuck up and I'll be dead.
Night vision is also expensive as hell
4000 dollars a scope, fuck that
it's the first thing I'd blow money on if I was going up against a modern military or militarized police
before armor probably
I'd prefer numbers and more guns
Numbers do not necessarily provide power.
with bottomless manpower you can afford to do a lot of things wrong
I assumed we were outfitting a small force here
we have 50 men
I would buy 50 optics
that is a very small force
Who has 50 men?
nah armor is a meme for people with lots of money
@Koninos hypothetical jin roh armor stampede
if cash is an issue you can't do the jin roh thing period
it's an autistic moneysink you do for the crazy press coverage
I just prefer armor and cheaper guns than more expensive guns and optics.
I guess so
The armor works as intimidation and protection
If you really want to send a message though you'd want to merc a live TV shoot
I get your argument for optics and less armor, I really do.
imagine if a few guys walked on stage on one of these liberal late night shows
not that it would actually air like that but you could film it from the stands and spread it online
I think one of these would be a bit better
most wwII era commando moves would be epic
Just straight up murder these asshats
Jin Roh armor and all
@IV LI V S i want an MSBS but im poor, the WOT and polish military is gonna be using it as the standard rifle soon