Message from @εïз irma εïз

Discord ID: 477325051377614859

2018-08-10 03:12:07 UTC  


2018-08-10 03:12:29 UTC  


2018-08-10 03:12:31 UTC  

I'm gonna check this place out. If I like it, I'll _attempt to_ make you all a banner, alright?

2018-08-10 03:15:03 UTC  


2018-08-10 03:16:02 UTC  

I'll look around and mull everything over for the night, and maybe talk a bit here, but for the most part just think and look, so goodnight all. Sleep well.

2018-08-10 03:32:28 UTC  

@Doctor Anon your ideology was started by fleeing trotskyist jews

2018-08-10 03:36:09 UTC  

im right-wing populist u cunt

2018-08-10 03:41:13 UTC  

sure u r

2018-08-10 03:46:40 UTC  

Aka neocon.

2018-08-10 03:48:55 UTC  

What the fuck does it mean to be “spiritual” but not religious. Without the concept of a religion being assumed to be accurate and true there’s nothing to suggest a spirit even exists

2018-08-10 03:50:29 UTC  

I thought I was pretty clear in my explanation of spirituality as the animus of the world explained through deities.

2018-08-10 03:50:43 UTC  

The Greeks and Romans, Romans especially, had a god for everything.

2018-08-10 03:51:02 UTC  

But Greeks and Romans probably didn't think there were literally people living in the clouds that controlled everything.

2018-08-10 03:51:21 UTC  

The concept of a pagan deity is connected to the Earth rather than as omnipotent as Christianity is.

2018-08-10 03:51:44 UTC  

That's why it's spiritual rather than religious in the sense Christianity is.

2018-08-10 03:51:53 UTC  

That's as good as I can explain it.

2018-08-10 03:54:38 UTC  

I might just be slow on this shit because I feel more lost

2018-08-10 03:55:13 UTC  

Try to think of paganism as a religion manifesting the natural world and Christianity as representing the metaphysical.

2018-08-10 03:58:36 UTC  

Okay so like

Basically where’s Christianity is completely horse shit paganism is 60% horse shit?

2018-08-10 03:58:45 UTC  

I think that’s what you’re saying

2018-08-10 03:59:20 UTC  

No, I'm a devout Catholic. I'm not speaking about my subjective opinion of anything, just the objective nature of them.

2018-08-10 03:59:52 UTC  

Yeah I know I was just poking fun at it, but thanks for the explanation really, I appreciate it

2018-08-10 04:00:05 UTC  

No problem.

2018-08-10 05:38:35 UTC  

The tsar lives on.

2018-08-10 06:18:28 UTC  

>devout catholic

2018-08-10 06:19:26 UTC  


2018-08-10 06:19:44 UTC  

Oh yes

2018-08-10 07:19:22 UTC  


2018-08-10 16:38:31 UTC  

Welcome @Excelsior

2018-08-10 16:49:39 UTC  


2018-08-10 17:19:09 UTC  


2018-08-10 17:20:08 UTC  

wheeeeeeze can u imagine someone has different religious beliefs than ME

2018-08-10 17:20:17 UTC  

wheeeeeeze greentext

2018-08-10 17:20:23 UTC  


2018-08-10 17:20:31 UTC  

the audacity

2018-08-10 17:44:36 UTC  

@εïз irma εïз are you hungarian?

2018-08-10 17:45:05 UTC  

My parents are.

2018-08-10 17:45:28 UTC  

Which means I am technically a Hungarian citizen.

2018-08-10 17:47:09 UTC  

Which by extension gives me EU citizenship I think, but I'm not sure how that's different.

2018-08-10 17:47:34 UTC  

Makes sense