Message from @L0GAN

Discord ID: 495050188075958273

2018-09-27 15:13:34 UTC  

republicans don't like losing

2018-09-27 15:13:36 UTC  


2018-09-27 16:58:07 UTC  

Republicans aren't republicans

2018-09-27 16:58:14 UTC  

just democrats with a different skin

2018-09-27 16:58:37 UTC  

the deep state is getting cleaned up though, not by a huuuge amount but it's happening

2018-09-27 16:58:51 UTC  

hopefully alot more patriots and such will end up being inside the state.

2018-09-27 21:53:38 UTC  

So I’m a libtard

2018-09-27 21:53:51 UTC  

And pozz isn’t

2018-09-27 23:54:12 UTC  

make socialism

2018-09-28 00:15:06 UTC  

Graham has some balls

2018-09-28 00:21:13 UTC  

did they ever decide when there voting

2018-09-28 00:22:33 UTC  

nevermind i just saw that there voting 9:30 am

2018-09-28 00:23:27 UTC  

wait hold on

2018-09-28 00:24:50 UTC  

there voting tomorrow with the judiciary committee with a procedural vote on the senate floor on saturday that could lead to a confirmation vote next week

2018-09-28 00:24:55 UTC  

thats from cnn

2018-09-28 01:50:49 UTC  


2018-09-28 01:50:51 UTC  


2018-09-28 01:50:52 UTC  


2018-09-28 01:52:08 UTC  

Antifa has done nothing wrong, nobody can prove otherwise

2018-09-28 01:55:41 UTC  


2018-09-28 02:40:56 UTC  


2018-09-28 03:44:18 UTC  

😂 <:Chad:476653434637123584> <:OOF:459550070942203924> <:Dude:459545653031469068>

2018-09-28 05:42:30 UTC  

Islam is woke.

2018-09-28 06:31:47 UTC  


2018-09-28 07:41:41 UTC  

@Da_Fish I can’t react in <#479347111775830017>

2018-09-28 08:15:02 UTC  

I voted no on privatizing prisons, because I think prisons should be abolished in favor of the death penalty

2018-09-28 09:21:35 UTC  

SO I decide to research into the idea of slavic runes, considering slavic history is mudy already

2018-09-28 09:21:42 UTC  

and what do I find

2018-09-28 09:22:00 UTC  

a few blogs with 2-3 people talking back to each other exposing the turboslav idiocy

2018-09-28 09:23:40 UTC  

and it struck me, that these people use the same discussion tactics as the old atheist movment that is now long dead, or even leftist intellectual blogs. Often times they act with snark, and even directly insult someone who has an argument and ignore the argument before throwing in some source that has nothing often to do with the argument at hand and instead appeal to authority. And literally have a library of authorities to pull for every argument, much like the old atheist movement had a library of fallacies (which themselves do not disprove the conclusion (Falacy fallacy)).

2018-09-28 09:25:05 UTC  

The irony is that when you insult them back, and have a great argument or completely crush them in disucssion they will immediately delete your comment and since you can no longer view that comment will put some snarky comment underneath. Or simply participate in circle jerks pretending to be learned intellectuals. Also it is evident they follow scientific consensus like lemmings. Which is pathetic.

2018-09-28 09:32:13 UTC  

why bother mentioning this? 1) Its a sad state of affairs and raelly demonstrates the intellectual level of such persons. Considering they fail to even read the actual studies 90% of the time even when informed there is a free PDF out there for them to look at. They even make the retarded claim that slavs are a very young ethnicity when genetically we are 7k years old, conservatively that is. (I dont doubt that most euro ethnicities are pretty damn old as well)

2) This is more confirmation into what the liberal or rather leftist mind set is like -> Following the authority, denying any and all information pertaining to any and all evidence of a homogenous or stable past, incapable of independant thought and as such the shutting down of competent outside opinions. This is because the opinion that is competent and presents a threat to an entire worldview, to capitulate on any point will cause everything else to crumble either in their mind, or simply publicaly.

2018-09-28 09:35:07 UTC  

as such dishnonest and anti intellecutal argumentation is rife in the left, we can all see and all have experienced it. Straw manning, or simply diverging the conversation and weaseling out of uncomfortable positions. Often making irrelevant statements and moral condemnations nad questioning our motivations as to have their "gotcha" moment. There is also the issue of shtting down any competent opponents when they cant be simplylaughed at and this is to keep the illusion going. Hell the blog had 3 people literally circle jerking each other and often running completely offtipic to demonstrate a speudo level of knowledge. Or simply attacking any and all divergent opinions, or rather also silencing them.

2018-09-28 09:36:14 UTC  

A form of astro turfing that is. so why the snarky insults nad comments etc.? 1) Provocation, its easy pickings and makes you look stupid. 2) it hides the lack of merit in their essays.

2018-09-28 09:36:20 UTC  

aight so thats my insight for today, im trying to compile a list of methods that the left uses to either propagate or simply their method of operation in both debate and in life. From the most basic to the most advanced methods in a hopes of coutnering them or having a strategy to deal with them. They have one for us, why not us for them?

2018-09-28 09:36:25 UTC  

good day to you all.

2018-09-28 11:01:28 UTC  


2018-09-28 14:35:03 UTC  

Kavanaugh is going to get voted in. Republicans have the votes.

2018-09-28 14:36:32 UTC  

The Dems tried to block the vote and pull Judge in. The republicans voted to continue the vote. They won. Those votes will translate to yes votes for confirmation. It’s over. Just a bunch of salt.