Message from @Obungus

Discord ID: 510858265702170624

2018-11-10 13:03:06 UTC  

this would go in <#452955256960057385>

2018-11-10 13:42:27 UTC  

This is actually some decent sources

2018-11-10 13:42:50 UTC  

I also found the psych issues for mixed rac kids and it links into my theory of identity

2018-11-10 13:42:53 UTC  

or rather hypothesis

2018-11-10 13:43:12 UTC  

the funny thing is in modern society we think ourselves so seperate from our genes, being such supreme humans and all

2018-11-10 13:43:17 UTC  

or that genes are so irrelevant

2018-11-10 13:43:26 UTC  

when the reality is they create the foundation for everything else

2018-11-10 13:43:38 UTC  

if something isnt buolt on this foundation its simply delusion and will lead to issues

2018-11-10 15:27:06 UTC  

mixed race people should be castrated and not allowed to reproduce

2018-11-10 15:27:11 UTC  

at the very least

2018-11-10 16:02:28 UTC  

@WAR all of those belong in <#452955256960057385>

2018-11-10 16:31:21 UTC  
2018-11-10 16:43:13 UTC  

I support public executions of Nazis

2018-11-10 16:44:08 UTC  

How edgy of you!

2018-11-10 16:47:23 UTC  

It's all the same lol

2018-11-10 16:47:36 UTC  

Eventually everyone is fighting for the same cause

2018-11-10 16:47:40 UTC  

Where'd you find those stats on race mixing?

2018-11-10 16:47:57 UTC  

The stats are irrelevant

2018-11-10 16:48:09 UTC  

chutup liberal

2018-11-10 16:48:11 UTC  

It's mine, I make these data

2018-11-10 16:48:21 UTC  

Did you make a similar one on homosexuals?

2018-11-10 16:48:33 UTC  

I mean I don't make the data, I sort and save the data

2018-11-10 16:48:39 UTC  

yeah I know

2018-11-10 16:50:11 UTC  

Ill post a pdf in archive

2018-11-10 16:50:20 UTC  


2018-11-10 17:04:34 UTC  

shut up @Obungus socialism is key

2018-11-10 17:04:52 UTC  

Socialism never works

2018-11-10 17:05:03 UTC  

Just look at Venezuela 😎

2018-11-10 17:12:14 UTC  

venezuela is not socialist @Obungus

2018-11-10 17:12:22 UTC  

Shutup libtard

2018-11-10 17:13:27 UTC  

10 things that make liberals angry:
1. Telling them how many times socialism has worked
2. Suggesting they move to a socialist country
3. Debunk them when they say "not really socialist"
4. deez nuts

2018-11-10 17:14:03 UTC  

i have raped ben shapiro and made him my mk ultra pet

2018-11-10 17:14:09 UTC  


2018-11-10 17:14:16 UTC  

Ben Shapiro does not really exist

2018-11-10 17:14:25 UTC  

He is a collective illusion

2018-11-10 17:14:47 UTC  

In reality he is the culmination of all facts and logic within every based magapede's mind

2018-11-10 17:15:24 UTC  

he is a projection of the astral rape ive led on capitalists

2018-11-10 17:40:45 UTC  


2018-11-10 17:42:11 UTC  

National Socialism is a meme

2018-11-10 17:42:33 UTC  

"Hey lets spend a shit ton of money on the military and totally not go bankrupt"

2018-11-10 17:53:08 UTC  

national socialism was just capitalism