Message from @PebbЛe

Discord ID: 510883603857801237

2018-11-10 18:24:12 UTC  

I didn't talk about class collaboration

2018-11-10 18:24:31 UTC  

Capitalism believes in class division, National Socialism doesn't

2018-11-10 18:24:37 UTC  

Therefore, not entirely capitalist

2018-11-10 18:24:48 UTC  


2018-11-10 18:24:52 UTC  

class division is a socialist idea

2018-11-10 18:24:56 UTC  

I don't need to prove, furthermore, that N.S. is not completely capitalist

2018-11-10 18:25:02 UTC  

capitalism claims that conventional economies dont rely on class distinctions

2018-11-10 18:25:19 UTC  

collaboration is a species of capitalist prevarication to stop socialist ideas

2018-11-10 18:25:31 UTC  

but classes do exist, and they are also divided

2018-11-10 18:25:47 UTC  

in the vast majority of the capitalist systems, if not all.

2018-11-10 18:26:23 UTC  

they do, thanks for noticing

2018-11-10 18:26:35 UTC  

class antagonisms are a marxist analysis

2018-11-10 18:27:07 UTC  

however collaborationism was ideology to placate capitalists from getting hanged and killed

2018-11-10 18:27:16 UTC  

especially since socialist revolutions were tried in germany

2018-11-10 18:27:28 UTC  

and put down by the social democratic freikorps

2018-11-10 18:28:11 UTC  


2018-11-10 18:28:28 UTC  


2018-11-10 18:28:35 UTC  

Class collaboration is capitalist camofluage

2018-11-10 18:28:42 UTC  

it inspires the worker to not get mad at their divisions

2018-11-10 18:28:53 UTC  

that are everything

2018-11-10 18:29:02 UTC  

its a veil over the eyes

2018-11-10 18:29:34 UTC  

Nazis had a left wing economic policy.

2018-11-10 18:29:41 UTC  


2018-11-10 18:29:57 UTC  

have you realised that you're talking about class collaboration, while I'm talking about class divide

2018-11-10 18:30:20 UTC  

In capitalism, again, the classes are divided, while in N.S., they aren't

2018-11-10 18:30:36 UTC  

Yes. What part of National Socialism reeks of economic capitalism

2018-11-10 18:32:37 UTC  

@Koninos in all systems perpetuated by a bourgeoisie there is class division, as is the points of analyzing the social relations of production. they existed in nazi germany as there were worker strikes and riots and protests against the party's decision to paginate industrialist interests into their agendas

2018-11-10 18:32:39 UTC  

they exist everywhere

2018-11-10 18:32:44 UTC  

collaboration was an idea

2018-11-10 18:32:47 UTC  

not prescriptive

2018-11-10 18:33:26 UTC  

Hitler also used Left-Wing methods to drop the unemployment rate which was very high, Around 33%, and then he dropped it to 5%

2018-11-10 18:33:33 UTC  

please tell me those left wing methods

2018-11-10 18:33:33 UTC  


2018-11-10 18:33:38 UTC  

tell me the left wing methods

2018-11-10 18:34:28 UTC  

Women were no longer included in the statistics so any women who remained out of work under the Nazi’s rule did not exist as far as the statistics were concerned, a very Left-Wing action, don't you think? Same happened in Communist countries such as the Soviet union.

2018-11-10 18:35:02 UTC  

I don't know which these methods were, exactly, I know that they were Left-Winged and based on Marx's beliefs

2018-11-10 18:35:22 UTC  

you need to substantiate that those communist countries did that and second of all removing women from the identifiable workforce is not left wing but reactionary

2018-11-10 18:35:38 UTC  

and what did they do that was based on marx's beliefs

2018-11-10 18:35:41 UTC  

if you dont know

2018-11-10 18:35:55 UTC  

Again. All goes to Marx. facepalm

2018-11-10 18:35:59 UTC  

he said it