Message from @Bogatyr Bogumir
Discord ID: 521009482025926657
The Soviet Union was being financed by the West by the likes of Goldman Sachs, etc, it's why the Soviet Union lasted as long as it did. Had it not been for the capital from the West, they would not have been capable of financing those projects. It was being financed by private companies from the west.
That makes much more sense
Love twitter
Someone just tried to tell me that socialism was solely meaning free medicare.
And that since Canada, Britain etc had free medicare they were socialist....
Im losing brain cells.
If you guys are Talking charlotsville the girl that died literally was never touched by the var
And i think a prof directly admitted that he threatened the driver with a gun
Also so it appears that with all evidence that he was threatened, then in his car his car is hit with a bat and THEN he floors it, the girl dies several moments later due to simply being morbidly obese and honestly with all the excitement that day i dont know if she would have lived anyways.
<:kermitgun:488184080387538944> <:kermitgun:488184080387538944> <:kermitgun:488184080387538944> <:kermitgun:488184080387538944>
@Bogatyr Bogumir that obese girl wasn't heather heyer
And it's still no fucking excuse
>yes he killed someone but it's ok she had a heart disease
by that obese girl I mean the one in the blue shirt
can you imagine convicting someone of first degree murder if they died from fat people problems and not car injuries
@sɪᴅɪsɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀᴇ I watched a bunch of mud tests and torture tests since we had a discussion on weapons, turns out the sks is a beast. Im suprised cuz it was developed earlier and withstands mud, and when it jams poura little water on it and it keeps going. Its an interesting gun and IMO a worthy buy since its dirt cheap
@ritasuma As far as I know she was the obese girl
if I get scared and do something
and someone dies from heart issues because they get scared of me
@Bogatyr Bogumir she was not in the blue shirt
i see what you said but yes she wasnt hit by the car
Did she die from a heart attack?
SKS is decent tbh
but not on par with west
@Bogatyr Bogumir still, fields drew in his car with the intent to kill, and that did cause the heart attack of heyer
You do not drive into a horde of people without intending to kill them
@sɪᴅɪsɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀᴇ Im not comparing it really to the west moreso to the Ak which was made later, still the ranch vid failed to force gun failure and this one guy showed that AK's need to be stripped the SKS is basically weird in that you pour water on it and it keeps going. Thats why imo its a cool gun wheras most need field stripping the sks is just mentally something different. Makes sense since its essentialyl a ww2 gun. Only issue is it doesnt have detatchable mags, but ive even seen that adressed with modifications or "new" versions of it.
Personally i just love the look of it, it looks badass. IMo its a worthy survival rifle, maybe not so much anymore a war rifle.
@ritasuma Fields had his car attacked and stepped on the gas, he didnt roll up wait and then boost, instead you can hear a guy I think attack his car with a bat, the back bumper and Fields rushes forth from that instead of simply deciding to drive. It was a panic decision and at worst he can be convicted of manslaughter.
fair enough
Also saw a guy actually fail an AR, he did a cool test, sand test, and basically showed the pros and cons of AK and AR under well sand, and then IF they happen to fail. The only thing the AK did better was that sand being sand, strip the cover off, shake it upside down keep shooting. The AR needed however specially packed wet sand to start failing and then basically a field strip wont help you. Basically the AR philosophy demonstrated that itll shoot and shoot no matter what but when it fails then you really are in a bad spot. Basically the maintnence point in yesterdays discussion.
But he showed what you can do and then described that the AR has more of an issue with shooting more??? and to offset that you need different lubricant. Which also makes it more resistant to the enviorment.
Start your local yellow vests movement today!
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@Deleted User lol u fat
**The Gamer Internationale**
Rise up, all gamers facing oppression,
For society fears your might!
To chads we will make no concessions,
For you have nothing if you have no rights!
Let liberal ignorance be ended,
For only facts and logic make the libtards fall!
Fortnite is merely privilege extended,
Unless enjoyed by one and all!
So come gamers united
For the struggle carries on.
The Gamer halo song
Unites the world in song.
So gamers, come rally,
For this is the time and place!
The gaming ideal
Unites the human race!
Let Trump build the wall to protect us,
And Mexico will pay for every stone!
Come greet the dawn and stand beside us,
We'll live together or we'll die alone. (No homo.)
Israel is an illegitimate nation,
That land which has been taken, now must be given!
The jews must not be allowed to continue their exploitation,
From Palestine's plains they must be driven!
*Repeat chorus*
And so begins the final round,
In the streets and in playground mode.
We stand unbowed before their armour,
We defy their guns and shield potions!
When we fight, provoked by their titty possession,
Let us be inspired by life and love.
For though they offer us free V-buck concessions,
Change will not come from above!
*Repeat chorus*
**The Gamer Internationale**
Rise up, all gamers facing oppression,
For society fears your might!
To chads we will make no concessions,
For you have nothing if you have no rights!
Let liberal ignorance be ended,
For only facts and logic make the libtards fall!
Fortnite is merely privilege extended,
Unless enjoyed by one and all!
So come gamers united
For the struggle carries on.
The Gamer halo song
Unites the world in song.
So gamers, come rally,
For this is the time and place!
The gaming ideal
Unites the human race!
Let Trump build the wall to protect us,
And Mexico will pay for every stone!
Come greet the dawn and stand beside us,
We'll live together or we'll die alone. (No homo.)
Israel is an illegitimate nation,
That land which has been taken, now must be given!
The jews must not be allowed to continue their exploitation,
From Palestine's plains they must be driven!
*Repeat chorus*
And so begins the final round,
In the streets and in playground mode.
We stand unbowed before their armour,
We defy their guns and shield potions!
When we fight, provoked by their titty possession,
Let us be inspired by life and love.
For though they offer us free V-buck concessions,
Change will not come from above!
*Repeat chorus*