Message from @_ʀᴇɪɴɴ [Deleted]

Discord ID: 582732556236226561

2019-05-28 00:45:17 UTC  

Russia would kick any European Nation's ass who tried to conventionally fight it.

2019-05-28 00:45:38 UTC  

really, what does it have really?

2019-05-28 00:45:40 UTC  

but they have a lot of strategical influence and eventual allies

2019-05-28 00:46:05 UTC  

Well, Europe for one, especially the United Kingdom has been decreasing its Military Strength significantly.

2019-05-28 00:46:37 UTC  

just raw numbers or equipments and tech as well?

2019-05-28 00:46:43 UTC  

They don't see war as a thing they must prepare for.

2019-05-28 00:47:06 UTC  

USA's main forces are in USA mainland and dispatching all of them will require time

2019-05-28 00:47:07 UTC  

Numbers, specifically. They believe their current technology in smaller numbers is just as effective as the same equipment in larger numbers.

2019-05-28 00:47:11 UTC  

the thing is large scaled war is a thing of the past. It's mostly cyberwar and puppets

2019-05-28 00:47:18 UTC  

while Russia is just knocking on EU's door

2019-05-28 00:47:21 UTC  

The National Guard is on the U.S. Mainland.

2019-05-28 00:47:37 UTC  

With a decent amount of Active Duty stationed there, but not awfully many.

2019-05-28 00:48:27 UTC  

The United Kingdom for one example is starting to get rid of most of their tanks.

2019-05-28 00:49:19 UTC  

Active Duty Troops are 9/10 out and about.

2019-05-28 00:49:46 UTC  

@Deleted User that's actually true to be fair, I dont think that the leaders of any of the major countries that can cause a domino effect and lead to WW3 is dumb enough to do it

2019-05-28 00:49:57 UTC  

but there's always the chance of some sort of escalation

2019-05-28 00:50:12 UTC  

World War III isn't that likely for the next few years.

2019-05-28 00:50:19 UTC  

i have a generally negative view of europeans because of i commonly see them complain about things they probably know nothing about

2019-05-28 00:50:19 UTC  

However, I'd say that a war with Iran might be.

2019-05-28 00:50:29 UTC  

Same, Filthy.

2019-05-28 00:51:08 UTC  

Americans mainly only really care about their Military Capabilities, if we try to learn more, we will and we try to get it right.

2019-05-28 00:51:16 UTC  

Europeans see anything about America and then generalize it.

2019-05-28 00:51:26 UTC  

It's the most annoying thing to talk with them about.

2019-05-28 00:51:50 UTC  

That's why it's relieving to see Europeans who actually have some sense in them.

2019-05-28 00:52:05 UTC  

I judge a coutry by it's actions

2019-05-28 00:52:17 UTC  

and by the outcome of the actions

2019-05-28 00:52:30 UTC  

What's your favorite country, in your honest opinion?

2019-05-28 00:53:02 UTC  

Yours too, Filthy.

2019-05-28 00:53:35 UTC  


2019-05-28 00:53:43 UTC  


2019-05-28 00:53:46 UTC  

Sweet. Why?

2019-05-28 00:53:55 UTC  

why australia?

2019-05-28 00:53:57 UTC  

What are your favorite things about it?

2019-05-28 00:54:15 UTC  

I think it's been clear what mine is. Lmfao

2019-05-28 00:55:20 UTC  

Kangaroos, the ton of deadly animals, the nice hot temperatures during the whole year, the beaches, surfing & the coral reef

2019-05-28 00:56:17 UTC  

from what i heard switzerland is run very efficiently, i especially like the idea that all citizens must obtain some level of military training
other contenders for my favorite was japan but its justice system is brutal, and my other america since it's very powerful and diverse but also a diverse amount of problems

2019-05-28 00:59:14 UTC  

i'm an american nationalist but from what i have heard Switzerland sounds like an utopia, i hardly hear negative things about it

2019-05-28 01:01:09 UTC  

That's really cool.

2019-05-28 01:01:42 UTC  

What are you guys' stance on guns?

2019-05-28 01:01:42 UTC  

It is ! One of the cleanest, best structured, crime-free and welcoming countries in EU

2019-05-28 01:01:56 UTC  

I love Poland.