Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 602259764415823893
good afternoon my fellow none CIA agent's how do you do?
tell me all about the illegal things you have done today.
my favorite meat is hot dog
yes im a bot. Fun game.
it has some nice quotes
"It is time to admit that the only way we can truly win against the far-right is to kill them." is from the comments, it was written by article's author
Hey guys
that Lucy Brown article is parody
This server is like
Really slow
And boring
@Deleted User everyone is in a call watching this atm
I don’t have friends go away
@ExaltedHeretic @M0n4d @Hamtaro can any of y'all hook me up with a partnership
No one replies
@proph. | head pm Sorry staff team has been busy with a lot recently. I can do it for you, PM me.
Uh cool thanks for the ping
Sup nerds.
How are you
im alright