Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 601604158759370764
V i s i b l y s w e a t i n g
If you believe in Allah put this on 5 discord server. Don't just ignore this because it says in the Quran if you deny him, he will deny you in front of his son in the gates of paradise. This is the simplest test. If you love Allah and you are not ashamed of it, copy and paste it on 5 discord server
If Islam is a religion of peace why do you need to kill people who don't believe
For it says that nonbelievers are to be dismembered
Based Islam
@Deleted User americand eserced 911
Millennials literally just think like this
good afternoon my fellow none CIA agent's how do you do?
tell me all about the illegal things you have done today.
my favorite meat is hot dog
yes im a bot. Fun game.
it has some nice quotes
"It is time to admit that the only way we can truly win against the far-right is to kill them." is from the comments, it was written by article's author
Hey guys
that Lucy Brown article is parody
This server is like
Really slow
And boring