Message from @FRB - KS
Discord ID: 409548916090994692
a lot of Sanders supporters weren't registered Democrats over here
@Deleted User lol I didn't know you were on RNN too
i'm on a lot of things
@Someone From Dubai what are you using?
lol that's what I was using
good amount of fonts.
*When someone is too lazy to make a complex logo ;)*
we will put up a better logo when the time calls
but for now, everyone, take a look at the marching orders channel and get started
Sometimes simple is good 😄
@here gimme 1 sec i'll have the form fixed real quick
the V and P are not visible fully
Everyone, use the new form, check the old form to see if a canidate isn't filled in yet
@everyone check the repsonse form V2 to look at what is done, then fill in a canidate you know about if they're not on there
@everyone ask if you want a group of assignments, i'm working to get lots of hands on deck here so i'm pretty busy
Take a look in marching orders for the results we allready have before you start filling in canidates
@here we need canidates for litterally EVERY SINGLE ELECTED SEAT - even incumbent dems and bad canidates - so we can all help inform people
What is this discord for?
take a look at marching orders
compared to the other one