Message from @Someone From Dubai
Discord ID: 409547247664103457
we need Democrats to infilitrate and sabotage the primaries with radical leftist candidates
oh yeah
maybe I should register for the Democratic Party
IIRC over here, you have to be registered for the party to vote in the respective primary
that would be smart,
especially since your district isn't going red any time soon
which is why Bernie Sanders had a hard time winning the Democratic primary
a lot of Sanders supporters weren't registered Democrats over here
@Deleted User lol I didn't know you were on RNN too
i'm on a lot of things
@Someone From Dubai what are you using?
lol that's what I was using
good amount of fonts.
*When someone is too lazy to make a complex logo ;)*
we will put up a better logo when the time calls
but for now, everyone, take a look at the marching orders channel and get started
Sometimes simple is good 😄
@here gimme 1 sec i'll have the form fixed real quick
the V and P are not visible fully
Everyone, use the new form, check the old form to see if a canidate isn't filled in yet