Message from @Donut Steel Tendies

Discord ID: 446642933693677588

2018-05-17 11:44:55 UTC  

It's hard to get enough people together regularly to keep a game going. We've managed a few glorious summers, but It would always be nice to do more.

2018-05-17 11:46:08 UTC  

Maybe one day I'll get enough people online together to try it since it sounds fun

2018-05-17 11:46:52 UTC  

They do have some cool online programs for it nowadays..

2018-05-17 11:48:23 UTC  

Is it true that most people here are ex-TRP?

2018-05-17 11:49:48 UTC  

I'm not TRP, my brother is currently, though. The other guys seem pretty legit in being ex-TRP.

2018-05-17 11:50:25 UTC  

I was this close to going full TRP

2018-05-17 11:51:03 UTC  

luckily I found out that it's fundamentally flawed in its core before it was too late

2018-05-17 11:52:14 UTC  

It offers up a lot of principles that draw guys in. It also preys on guys who are vulnerable just from failed relationships or being socially awkward.

2018-05-17 11:52:31 UTC  

I fall into the latter I guess

2018-05-17 11:52:46 UTC  

I'm glad you found your way out. TRP hurts more than just the person in it.

2018-05-17 11:53:06 UTC  

though my appearance apart from not being muscular is the exact opposite of what a socially awkward person would look like

2018-05-17 11:54:15 UTC  

It takes all kinds, I'm generally pretty introverted in everyday life.

2018-05-17 11:54:34 UTC  

People can always surprise you!

2018-05-17 11:55:03 UTC  

I'm in the middle in terms of extroversion/introversion

2018-05-17 11:55:52 UTC  

I remember when I was first exposed to the whole TRP thing

2018-05-17 11:56:46 UTC  

it was a TFM's video about cycle of civilizations

2018-05-17 11:57:08 UTC  

started watching him from then until he started spamming my feed with adult toy reviews lol

2018-05-17 11:58:04 UTC  

TRP offers an 'easy button' for things that have no easy button.

2018-05-17 11:58:24 UTC  

one of the things that pushed me away from TRP was how I started reading between the lines of what TFM was saying and got to know him as a person a bit

2018-05-17 11:59:09 UTC  

for instance he was in a LTR with a fat and unattractive girl just so that she wouldn't leave him

2018-05-17 11:59:33 UTC  

you can guess how that ended

2018-05-17 11:59:53 UTC  

and yeah, you got it spot on with the "easy button" thing

2018-05-17 12:02:55 UTC  

Sandman is the worst of all and it is hard for me to admit I used to watch him but even then I didn't agree with him much

2018-05-17 12:04:58 UTC  

My brother sent me the Sandman videos.

2018-05-17 12:05:08 UTC  

oh god

2018-05-17 12:05:17 UTC  

I think people should be brave enough to admit to what makes them happy and accept that there are lots of different kinds of women and lots of different kinds of relationships.

2018-05-17 12:05:33 UTC  

he makes Mark Zuckerberg sound like a real human

2018-05-17 12:05:45 UTC  

He does. I was pretty shocked by those videos.

2018-05-17 12:06:25 UTC  

TRP makes it sound like you can only be happy if you have this type of woman and are living in this type of situation. I just don't think that's true.

2018-05-17 12:06:40 UTC  

Different things make different people happy you need to find the things that make you happy.

2018-05-17 12:07:00 UTC  

Main problem is that they preach for codependancy in relationships

2018-05-17 12:08:06 UTC  

Teamwork will always be more important in a relationship than codependency.

2018-05-17 12:08:39 UTC  

not to mention that the theory of hypergamy is extremely flawed and it surprises me taht even those against TRP rarely bring that up

2018-05-17 12:08:51 UTC  

except r/exredpill, of course

2018-05-17 12:09:17 UTC  

Pretty much everything they say about women is extremely flawed. The tactics they use against women are tactics that would work against any human being male or female.

2018-05-17 12:09:51 UTC  

True, though I wouldn't go as far as to say men and women are the same psychologically

2018-05-17 12:10:31 UTC  

Oh I don't think that they are. But using mental Warfare like God to pray on somebody's insecurities. That will work on anybody. Not just females.

2018-05-17 12:10:52 UTC  


2018-05-17 12:10:53 UTC  

Sorry I meant to say like that to pray on somebody

2018-05-17 12:11:46 UTC  

Warfare like that. Not Warfare like God.

2018-05-17 12:12:13 UTC  

I see