Message from @Meta
Discord ID: 451976565866233867
They're genetically almost identical
the Japanese possess superior genes.
due to mixing with the Ainu people.
Plus Jews fear the samurai
that is why some Japs have white-like features.
Koreans are Chinese
Samurai were black btw
This is why they were superior
they possessed the superior black genes
For much of the country’s long history
its northern border was 3uid, and the national identities of literate
Koreans and Chinese mutually indistinguishable.1 Believing their
civilization to have been founded by a Chinese sage in China’s
image, educated Koreans subscribed to a Confucian worldview that
posited their country in a position of permanent subservience to the
Middle Kingdom. Even when Korea isolated itself from the
mainland in the seventeenth century, it did so in the conviction that
it was guarding Chinese tradition better than the Chinese
themselves. For all their xenophobia, therefore, the Koreans were
no nationalists. As Carter Eckert has written, “There was little, if
any, feeling of loyalty toward the abstract concept of Korea as a
nation-state, or toward fellow inhabitants of the peninsula as
‘Koreans.’ ”2 It was not until the late nineteenth century, and under
Japanese sponsorship, that a reform-minded cabinet undertook
measures to establish Korea’s independence and imbue the people
with a sense of national pride.
So Chinese are mutts and Koreans are the real Chinese
koreans are chinese
no real or not real
just chink
we are chink chong
Siberian mongrels.
spitters are quitters, swallowers are followers.
their language sounds like garbage.
kimchi gook yong seyo
uri kim choson
dong dong
i literally cannot wait to march my black shirts into pyongyang and seoul and burn down their shit
fuck kpop
n degenerate korean culture
north korea > south korea
pyongyang is good city
very nice statues
is killing niggers allowed here
it is encouraged
we will burn all kim statues and murals
no u