Message from @Moose

Discord ID: 451826879226183681

2018-05-31 19:17:07 UTC  

**His ways is cuckolding**

2018-05-31 19:17:10 UTC  

Tell me how capitalism is crapitalism

2018-05-31 19:17:11 UTC  

It took over 80 years to break the Bell Industry and it controlled the entire United States and much larger markets across ALL of North America, including the United States, Bahamas, Tahiti, Mexico, Canada, Jamaica, owned 54% of the Japanese telecommunications market. It made the monopolies of Union Steel and Standard Oil look like Park Street properties on the Monopoly board. Want to know what resulted of the broken up Bell company? Localized municipality monopolies such as Broadband, Mediacom, Cox, AT&T, Comcast, etc., doing absolutely nothing to improve the situation for the phone/ISP consumers, Title II of the Telecommunications Act of 1994 was to allow the FCC to set ethical business regulations on tiered Internet instead of equal access, the government fucked it up with the latest "net neutrality" decision, free speech on the internet was protected by the revision of Article V of the Telecommunications Act of 1994 in around 2005. It had to do with the corrupted practice of stagflating cable and IS prices for consumers that were made with a mark up of 1000-10,000%, no other start up company can contest with these companies because of municipality regulations and bureacracy.

2018-05-31 19:17:15 UTC  


2018-05-31 19:17:19 UTC  


2018-05-31 19:17:28 UTC  


2018-05-31 19:17:36 UTC  

@LoJ Capitalism is shit.

@LoJ thanks for proving capitalism necessarily becomes corpratist to serve the profit motive 👍🏿

2018-05-31 19:17:50 UTC  

Capitalism more like crapitalism

2018-05-31 19:17:54 UTC  


i don't care about the argument that 'capitalism' and 'corpratism' are different things if capitalism always evolves into corpratism

2018-05-31 19:18:13 UTC  

@Mitch You heard what that commie just said? He said the USSR wasn't imperialist and that the Russians were good people to their occupied eastern europeans.

and the capitalism you speak is idealistic nonsense

2018-05-31 19:18:19 UTC  


USSR wasn't imperialist

by definition

2018-05-31 19:18:27 UTC  


2018-05-31 19:18:27 UTC  

By definition you are ugly.

@Mitch ur bullshit

2018-05-31 19:18:32 UTC  
2018-05-31 19:18:42 UTC

2018-05-31 19:18:56 UTC  

Just read lenin you dumb nut

2018-05-31 19:18:58 UTC  

Haha stupid commies

2018-05-31 19:19:12 UTC  

@Mr.AnalTwister4000 says you. But just look at your username. It's obvious that you're compensating for something. Probably the fact that you're a socially-inept, basement-dwelling cretin who never received the tender love and affection you so desperately desired from mommy and daddy.

Imperialism is
1) stagnation of economics due to heterogenous effects of colonialism
2) the control of foreign nations through the bourgeoisie

2018-05-31 19:19:18 UTC  

im not reading a fuck ton of books just to have a word defined @Deleted User

2018-05-31 19:19:34 UTC  

```If it were necessary to give the briefest possible definition of imperialism we should have to say that imperialism is the monopoly stage of capitalism. Such a definition would include what is most important, for, on the one hand, finance capital is the bank capital of a few very big monopolist banks, merged with the capital of the monopolist associations of industrialists; and, on the other hand, the division of the world is the transition from a colonial policy which has extended without hindrance to territories unseized by any capitalist power, to a colonial policy of monopolist possession of the territory of the world, which has been completely divided up.```

USSR had no bourgeoisie

it liqudated the bourgoeisie

you watermelon

2018-05-31 19:19:47 UTC  

that's actually bullshit

2018-05-31 19:19:48 UTC

2018-05-31 19:19:50 UTC  

@Deleted User Everything you say is so tryhard and armchair intellectual, bro. I know you're a twink IRL.

2018-05-31 19:19:51 UTC  

it had a class

2018-05-31 19:19:51 UTC  

Imperialism is the stage of capitalism where monopolies form and control all the resources and means of production worldwide and uses brutal force to maintain their control

2018-05-31 19:19:59 UTC  

Trying to compensate for being bullied in high school.

@Mitch Class wafare doesn't end when you liquidate the bourgeoisie

2018-05-31 19:20:06 UTC  

I was the bully.

marx literally said that

Stalin noted it