Message from @Mitch

Discord ID: 451827971267756052

it did not

```If it were necessary to give the briefest possible definition of imperialism we should have to say that imperialism is the monopoly stage of capitalism. Such a definition would include what is most important, for, on the one hand, finance capital is the bank capital of a few very big monopolist banks, merged with the capital of the monopolist associations of industrialists; and, on the other hand, the division of the world is the transition from a colonial policy which has extended without hindrance to territories unseized by any capitalist power, to a colonial policy of monopolist possession of the territory of the world, which has been completely divided up.```

2018-05-31 19:22:04 UTC

2018-05-31 19:22:05 UTC  


it did not practise this definition of imperialism

2018-05-31 19:22:11 UTC  

The nomenklatura formed as Stalin was on the end of his term and he fought to impeach it's control over the USSR state

imperialism as **the highest order of capitalism**

2018-05-31 19:22:22 UTC  

@Deleted User I'm more intellectual than you because I watch Rick & Morty.

2018-05-31 19:22:24 UTC  

Then krouchtchev happened

2018-05-31 19:22:39 UTC  

so the ussr didn't fuck over other countries and steal there resources by force?

2018-05-31 19:22:42 UTC  

Corn man

2018-05-31 19:22:43 UTC  

and didn't have an upper class?

it didn't lol

2018-05-31 19:22:46 UTC  


and it didn't lol

2018-05-31 19:22:48 UTC  

And no

2018-05-31 19:22:50 UTC  

you are literally deny facts

those are cold-war myths wtf you spouting them

denying facts by the CIA

2018-05-31 19:22:55 UTC  

what the actual fuck

2018-05-31 19:23:02 UTC  

uh what

2018-05-31 19:23:13 UTC  

@Deleted User How can you call yourself intellectual when you just repeat all your silly insults over and over again. I see a lack of creativity. I will predict the next one. You'll assert me as some kind of closet homosexual.

2018-05-31 19:23:16 UTC  

literally go talk to someone who lived in a post soviet country

2018-05-31 19:23:17 UTC  


wtf is with fash posting cold-war myths about USSR society 🤦🏿

2018-05-31 19:23:19 UTC  

what the fuck

2018-05-31 19:23:23 UTC  

Social imperialism is what happened after Stalin, when the state was taken over by bureaucracy and undermined the goals of the revolution

@Mitch Actual Russians remember socialism differently to your nonsense

2018-05-31 19:23:39 UTC  

You're hella smelly.

2018-05-31 19:23:42 UTC  

Take a shower.

2018-05-31 19:23:48 UTC  

yes cause russians got the best end of the stick

2018-05-31 19:23:49 UTC  
2018-05-31 19:23:49 UTC  

@Meta I don't have to be an "intellectual" in the sense that I am some public figurehead to have intellectual inclinations. It's obvious that your beta-brain is severely infected with the disease of mental midgetry.

2018-05-31 19:23:54 UTC  

still quite a few russians got fucked over

2018-05-31 19:24:03 UTC  

20 million Russians died under the rule of Stalin, justify this.

2018-05-31 19:24:05 UTC  

Mao and hoxha were utterly critical of the USSR post stalin

2018-05-31 19:24:20 UTC  

Lol no

20 million died exactly from ww2
